Chapter 23 - Albany Dente'

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Almost everyone is standing outside the restaurant entrance now. Waiting for or jumping into the cabs we ordered to get them all home safely.

"Hey, Mig!"  I drew him into a bear hug as he came towards me.

"Thanks again for helping us out in the last couple of weeks, man. You're a proper champion. The guys and I really appreciate it."

His eyes struggle to focus on my face before he gives me an idiotic grin. Speaks in that slow, careful way of someone who's totally maggoted.

"No need for thanks, Norm. Least I could do given all the support we get from you guys. Nathan and Benny have been fucking tops too. Really glad they're part of the team now. Makes a nice change."

"Well I gotta go home before I pass out, throw up or both....great party. Merry Christmas, boss. See you next year."

I laugh and shake my head. Watching him start up the drunk's waltz  🤣

Two steps forward, pause....stagger sideways then one step back. Start again.

I jump towards him when it looks like he's going to dance straight into the window. But he rights himself in time.

Keep following him, just in case.

That's when I spot Benny standing outside. Trying to put her arm into the sleeve of her jacket but missing every time with a giggle. She isn't three sheets to the wind like Mig, just looks a bit unco?

Happily unco 🙂 

Without even thinking I open the door and grab hold of her. Before I knew it we're out back of the restaurant, by my bike. And I'm lifting her onto it. Paying no mind to her chicken-like squawks of indignation.

I'm not drunk and haven't had as much as I would've normally. Probably too busy talking to everyone and making sure they're having a good time.

It's their night after all.

But I still had an awesome one myself and I'm on an incredible high, want the night to keep going.

With Ben....

Tonight is the first time we've spoken since Monday cos she's been flat out with all the extra shifts. Had to force myself to put down the phone whenever my finger reached out to hit her contact icon. Realising the time and reminding myself how exhausted she'll be.

Especially after having worked for two weeks solid with almost eighteen-hour days for the last one.


When we reach her door, I start scrambling for any excuse that'll get her to invite me in. Not realising I've inadvertently created the opportunity myself.

The temperature is probably only just hitting the high twenties and without thinking I'd stuck her butt on my bike. Minus her jacket and in just a thin tee. Rode to her house with the wind whipping around us.

And Benny almost turning blue with cold on the back of my bike.

If she'd been drunk? That would've sobered her up pretty damned quick, I can tell you.

I honestly don't know who's shaking more as I hold her. She from the cold or me from....need? Lust? Love?


Yep, I'm frightened alright. Scared to death if you want me to be brutally honest. And being scared....just scares the fuck out of me more!

Because the last thing I want to do is take advantage of Benny. Especially if she isn't one hundred percent sober and one million percent committed to being with me.

Cooking Up A Storm - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now