Chapter 28 - Lady Remoulade

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Norman and I never went for our planned bike ride on Christmas afternoon.

We were both beyond full of food and laziness. So he decreed that the couch and a movie were eminently suitable substitutes. If it was good enough for the Misses? Then it was more than good enough for us.

I fell into hysterics when he waltzed into the loungeroom....resplendent in his Superman onesie. Had to take a pic of him standing in 'SuperNorm'  pose. And he promptly posted it on Instagram along with his Christmas message.

Then I took one of my own once he spread out on the sofa. Slowly unzipped to expose his chest. Then all the way down to the thick line of hairs and muscle, leading to his pride and joy. All the while he was pouting and smoldering at me like a supermodel.

Ok....Ok....I admit it  😏

Took more than one pic. Have to have something to keep me going over the next ten weeks or so while he's gone.

But after turning the telly on, laying down with my body firmly spooned against his under the doona? We were both out and snoring in sync within minutes.

We made up for it though. And over the next few days ventured out in all directions.

I feel like I know the back roads of Georgia pretty intimately by now. And I'm loving it more than ever.

"Looking mighty fine, Ben!"  Norman will wolf-whistle with a grin every time I waltz out in my new riding gear.

He'll already be seated on his bike and raring to go.

"You're looking rather edible yourself, Mister. Gonna take me for a ride?"

"You betcha sweet ass I will, Missy!"

He'll then adjust the strap on my helmet and secure my pack to the back of the seat. I only have enough time to fling my leg over and plant my bum down. Before he takes off with a screech of tires.

He doesn't hold back any more, not like he had on our first outing. Yet I'm never worried about the icy roads....always feel safe with him in front of me.

Even though the weather is frigid, most days I'll pack us a picnic at his request. Something hot that I can store in thermoses or heat packs. It saves Norman from being fan mobbed in cafés or diners, by folk home for the holidays.

"I gotta have some 'me time out'  as well"  He announced, but I know he has an ulterior motive.

Doesn't want me to be featured online. Thus be subjected to the wrath of the more 'obsessed'  of his fans. A minority but very vocal, unfortunately.

His other isn't so ulterior and again he's laid down the law.

"Just wanna be you and me, Ben. Before life intrudes on us again. I can share you with the cats and the Misses, but that's about it. It's selfish I know, except I don't give a shit right. Ok? "

"Whatever you say....dear."

I paid for that retort, well and truly. Which is probably why it's kinda become my catchphrase with him  😉


But I also made a promise to visit Vala. And there's no way I'm gonna miss out on greeting my new little namesake.

So today we only did a short jaunt and arrived home before noon. 

I changed out of my riding gear and packed their Christmas pressies in a bag. Jumped in the Jeep to head into Atlanta.

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