Chapter 26 - Entrée Vous Síl Vous Plait

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Waking up the next morning and seeing his face lying on the pillow next to mine? Well....

....I think Christmas has come already.

Giving him the softest of kisses I take my time sliding out of the bed, so I won't wake him. Norman is exhausted, and I know he loves nothing better than a good old sleep-in.

After the last couple of nights? He sure as hell deserves it. I keep forgetting that he's older than me. Because he can give guys half his age a run for their money I reckon.

I'm not just on a steep learning curve, but more like a loop-the-loop. Norman is a very patient teacher and the single most important thing he's taught me?

Self-control is highly overrated  😉

" sure as hell have some imagination. And that ain't a complaint just so you know"  He panted into my ear after I collapsed on top of him about two AM this morning.

"Imagination? But I thought everyone does what we just did?"  I whispered back innocently, earning myself a pinch on the bum before he rolled us both over and we tumbled into sleep.

Smiling down at him as he snored softly, I grabbed some clothes and head off for a shower.

And boy, do I need one! Apart from being a bit pongy from the build-up of sweat on my skin? I almost slide down the hallway.

'I'll go out to the farmers market while it's nice and early'  I thought.

I grab a pen and write Norman a note. Leaving it on his phone because it'll be the first thing he looks at when he wakes.

Morning Superman  😘

Popping out to get veggies and meat for tmoz. Blue towel in bathroom 4u. Have fed the boys, so grab yourself some brekkie. I should be home by ten.

PS. Peek at ur pressies and I'll have to spank you.

Without using my hands.




When I open the front door, the frozen air takes my breath away. I had to duck back inside to get my pastry scraper to clear off the frost from the windscreen.

Then I ferry out the few dozen boxes of cupcakes that I whipped up before Norman arrived last night. I'm so glad for all the storage space in Pop's Jeep.

Sorry, my  Jeep now.

Poppy and I did another trade when he insisted I keep it. It's basically brand new but he can't drive it now due to his failing eyesight. I finally agreed in lieu of the next ten years of birthday, Christmas and other presents.

I'd started at thirty, but Pops bartered me down mercilessly  🥰

I was sceptical when Norman said it snows in Georgia....not anymore. I drive along at a snail's pace, terrified of sliding off into a ditch if I hit ice.

But the cold weather hasn't kept everyone inside and the Christmas Farmers Market is jam-packed.

By the time I leave with everything on my list, my cheeks have been well and truly warmed up from being kissed. I've gotten to know all Nic & Norman's local suppliers really well over the last few months and most of them have stalls there today.

And the Christmas spirit is truly in force. I found myself staggering back to the car under the weight of my shopping. Plus all the little gifts that had been surreptitiously slipped into my bags.

Cooking Up A Storm - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now