Chapter 8 - Don't Be Such A Sauerkraut

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"You did what? Have you bloody well gone and lost your Bolshy mind?"

The last of my grocery bags hit her marble kitchen countertop with a thump. They only just beat my jaw in the race.

It must be the pregnancy baby brain? That's the only explanation I can think of for her latest act of sheer lunacy.

The woman has finally gone stark-raving bonkers!

Tomorrow I'm heading down to Miami for Gran's birthday, minus my cat. I think three weeks was more than enough time to inflict my presence on Vala and Oscar.

Though Oscar might disagree? Especially after he begged me in a whisper last night....

"Please, Benny....don't leave me here on my own? I'm scared for my own life. I'll give you anything  if you stay. At least until after the baby is born and her hormones return to what barely pass as normal?"


Now, I'm normally a sucker for a man who begs. But I'm not so much of one that I'll willingly put my own life at risk as well.

"Sorry, my love. For better or worse, in sickness and health yadda....yadda....yadda. You said the words mate and now it's time to pay the piper."

It's so sad, isn't it? Seeing a grown man cry  😉

Mere thanks will never be enough though, huh? For them heaving me out of the depression caused by my own stupidity. So I announced I'll be cooking a special dinner. For them and their friends they've made here in Atlanta.

I knew they'd never turn that down.

Despite Vala's behaviour (which is at an all-time neurotic high), I've really enjoyed my stay.

Ari is just on five now but he's still Aunty Beeny's little man. Following me everywhere like a little shadow while telling me the most amazing facts. As only a kid can.

I really had no idea. That mummy's tummies get so big when they're pregnant....because they've eaten the baby. Did you?


We always have a total ball together. Big softie that he is....inside and out. At just over six foot four, seeing him with Vala at his side is enough to make anyone smile.

And Atlanta, well....Georgia on the whole is gorgeous.

Whenever Vala was laid up with poofing ankles? I kept myself entertained by borrowing her 'Mom'  van and driving out into the countryside. Avoiding towns as much as possible and concentrating on the great outdoors.

I really miss the vastness of Australia, so I soaked this up as much as possible. Regenerating I suppose you could say?


So anyways, today I visited a Farmer's market. Got all the remaining supplies I'll need for tonight's dinner party. I did the bulk of my prep work yesterday. Just a few things left that I can only do today.

When I walked into the kitchen from the garage with the last of my groceries....Vala brazenly dropped her bombshell.

Not only had she gotten hold of my laptop but she hacked into it. Located my resume and then emailed it off in response to over a dozen advertisements for senior chef positions.

Yep....out of her cotton-picking mind!

"Just think for something. You get job here, stay. It's a won-won place. You get job, you stay, you cook the food for me. Then you grab man and have the sizzle sex. What is wrong with the photo?"

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