Chapter 19 - Pavlova's Dog

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That's the only thing that came to mind. To describe the feeling that's coursing through my body. And I say 'only thing'  as my mind remained my own for....Oh....I'd say about three seconds?

Before it was off with the fairies.

Giving him the grand tour, I couldn't help the little bubble of pride that swelled inside me. When I looked at my new home through his eyes.

'I did that! Me....with my own two hands'  I mentally hugged myself.

Yeah, it'd taken up every waking moment since the second I unlocked the front door ten days ago. And muscles I never knew I had are still screaming. But Jeez, it was sure worth it.

When it finally twigged that Norman thinks Henry is a real person, started acting like a stroppy dog whose bone has been stolen out from under his nose? My little internal devil shook with glee.

And it couldn't help but tease him a bit. What my inner imp wasn't expecting was the enormity of the payback.

Three seconds.

Three seconds from the time he threw his jacket down, welded his hands to my skin and used his lips to brand mine as his own.

As soon as they touched me, I felt like I was expanding. Like that builder's foam that's sprayed through a tiny nozzle. The one that just grows and grows to fill up an empty space.

And I can still feel its progress, flowing through my body and into every nook and cranny. It's hot, rolls like electrified lava and keeps spreading relentlessly.

His lips massage mine like billions of tiny fingers, kneading and folding them as if they're two doughy pillows. I taste smoky coffee when his tongue slowly touches mine, my nose is filling up with light tendrils of paint from his beard.

Along with the heady scent of pure....Norman.

And like a dog protecting its bone? He growled into my mouth when my arms raised up and hands buried themselves into his silky hair. Then I ran my fingers along the whiskers that are tickling the skin under my nose and on my chin.

This....this is what a kiss is really supposed to be like?


It isn't gravity bringing me back to earth, but the cool edge of the sink against my butt. His possessive fingers clutch onto the exposed skin of my waist. And the hard-thick muscle between his legs is now throbbing against my pelvis.

Dropping my hands to his arms I gently push him back, creating some much-needed space between us. I feel almost desolate when my mouth becomes my own once more.

Jeezus will someone give me the Heimlich I can start breathing again?

"God, Ben...."  He groaned, staring with greed at my lips and trying to draw me back to him again.

His eyes fly up to mine in astonishment when I shake my head and pull away completely. Sidestepping him and backing up.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?"

"What's wrong? Nothing....everything...."  I stutter in pain, unable to look him in the face.

"Shit!  I'm so sorry, I've rushed you haven't I? Simply couldn't help myself....been dreaming of doing that since New York. I didn't just go searching for you just to apologise, Benny. I wanted to ask you out as well."

Cooking Up A Storm - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now