Chapter 42 - Keep Your Chinois Up

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"Awwww, sweetheart...."

When the light from the hall revealed her sprawled on the toilet seat? Hair a sodden tangled mess, knickers and jeans pooled around her feet?

I immediately crouch down and reach out to her. Holding my breath.

She looks so totally wretched.

Her body is slumped against the wall, head leaning on a cushion that's propped above the toilet roll holder. And clutching a plastic shopping bag to her chest as if it's her security blanket.

Ben's face is pale and coated in the type of oily residue left behind after a heavy sweat. Dark rings circle stormy eyes that now burst into an epic typhoon of tears.

"Baby, please don't cry. I got some medicine on the way home. You'll feel better soon I swear."

I was hoping to soothe her but instead, my words only serve to open the floodgates even more. My insides clench in agony. Can't bear seeing her like this.

"Mmmmedicines not....gonna ffffix this....sssshit."

The words hitched out with an accompanying wail of pain and I know she isn't just talking about her tummy. But right now, my number one priority is just that.

That and her.

Letting go, I reach down and grab the pharmacy bag. Rip it open. Tipping out various tablets and wrenching the lid from the bottle of electrolyte liquid.

"Benny, you're gonna swallow these and keep drinking this while I run a bath for you. Then you're going to bed, no arguing. If....and I say 'if'  I decide you're feeling better later on? We'll talk about it."

"But until then you'll do as I say....agreed?"

"Yes Mister, babe....Boss....dear...."


She kept her word.

By the time I got Ben fully undressed and into the bath, the tempest had died to a few sniffles. I quietly washed her hair and rinsed it, letting her get her composure back.

"Feel terrible that I didn't even ask....was it all Ok? Did the ladies get home in one piece? I like Nan a lot, she's a real pocket rocket. I'm so sorry I missed your interview."

"Reckon you had a decent excuse, Missy. Not to worry, there's easily another half dozen or more between now and the end of the year. You won't miss out, baby. Though skipping off today might've been a blessing."

"Ummmm, might be better if I just show you? It should be online by now I bet"  I laughed before wrapping up her wet hair in a towel.

"Oh Jeez....what did they go and do?"  She groaned.

I held my phone up and we both watched the footage that's been posted. After the third repeat, Benny begged....

"Please, no more! Laughing hurts. And what the hell is....what was it? Scaly Road Rugs"

"Apparently, the plan was if they saw me at the convention? They were gonna rip off their tops. Reveal the letters on the singlets they wore underneath. Only they forgot, cos they were so excited at everything else that happened....the photos and all."

"Then when they sat in the auditorium, they got themselves all out of sync in their order. So, the big reveal didn't quite go as they planned."

Fuck'd been nothing short of fucking hilarious!

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