Chapter 47 - Ghee Whizz!

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September has rolled around again. And with it? My first anniversary of working at the restaurant.

Greg and Ash accepted my caveats when I took up their job offer. Though they both bitched like hell when I told them I'll only do it for a year and no more.

Norman mumbled they're probably worried I'll take their customers with me. Until Carrie announced they're all  panicking about who's gonna feed them once I'm gone.

I tend to agree with her....  😉

The changeover went smoothly and everyone was happy, even though we had to work like demons. Trying to keep up with the full houses every day since filming on the latest series commenced.

We're trialling breakfast shifts on the weekends as well. So far, they've been a hit.

We decided to make some changes to the menu and all the chefs put forward their ideas. Liev astonished us all with a Banana Cream Pie that's to die for. So that was a no-brainer as far as desserts go.

'Frank's Mum's Chicken Pot Pie'  was a winner from the get-go. Along with a 'Kitchen Sink'  burger that Mig and Nathan concocted. It's so gargantuan that we now offer it for free if anyone can devour the lot in under 30 minutes.

Many, many have tried but none have succeeded so far. Though a few have come within a pickle or two  😲

I didn't even get a say with regards to my ideas. After being told point blank by 'management'  that I'll be fired. If my Huevos Rancheros, Potato Salad and the infamous Potato Cake Sandwiches aren't on offer.

Suppose that's what happens when you have to answer to three bosses.

Last week, my shifts in the kitchen came to an end for a while. Because work is finally going to start on the new venue next door. Now I'm flat out writing menus, trying new recipes and hiring staff. As well as all the remaining Exec duties.

And as if that isn't enough? I've been roped into helping with the fit-out as well. Thanks to Numpty and his mouth.

When he had his first meeting with Greg and Ash about creating the new venue? My couple of years as a Trades Assistant on house flips mysteriously morphed into many years as a builder and interior designer.


In their eyes, everything becomes bigger than reality....doesn't it?  🙄

Yep, things are going well for me workwise. Whereas poor Norman.

Jeez....what can I say?

Hardly a day goes by when he doesn't crawl through our door with another bruise, black eye or cuts and scratches. Mind you, I'm not too sure how many of his injuries are work-related and how many are Norman inflicted?

But no matter what happens to him? He keeps going back for more with a smile. Never known anyone who loves their job or the people they work with more than him.

Except maybe Greg....or Andy....or Mel....or Jeff.

Dean Morgan, that is? 

He officially joined the cast this season and since day one, he and Norman have become conjoined twins. But then, they've both known each other for years.

When I'm not working and it happens to be Poker night at our place? It's almost like watching a Marx Brothers movie on acid.

Once Jeff, Greg and Andy arrive....I throw food at them.

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