Chapter 40 - Schnapped

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Stuck a fork into the Brisket that I smoked and mixed with its sauce for the Nachos. Then taste it once more before grabbing a pinch of salt.

Stirring it through with a clean spatula, taking care not to break up the delicate meat shreds even further.

Taste it one last time and giving a slightly hesitant nod to myself, I spin around. Undo my chef's apron....while stalking across the kitchen.

"I know I sound like a broken record, guys. But I can't thank you enough for covering Liev and me today."

Both Mig and his sous Nick happily submitted to the kisses of appreciation I landed on each of their cheeks.

"Hey no problem, chicky. You not only done all today's prep for us? You're doing my shift next Friday night to boot. Me and my Elena haven't had a Friday date night all year. Miguelito is gonna be one happy and loved-up chef."

"Just like our little Jelly Bean, eh?"

Oh good grief!  😖

His wink made my blushes return with a vengeance, just as they've done on numerous occasions. Since I stumbled through my little anti-climactic announcement in the restaurant kitchen last Tuesday, before closing time.

The teasing has been almost non-stop since then, but I suffer it gladly. Small price to pay for the huge weight of worry that's been lifted from my shoulders.

I don't know what amazes me most?

Their casual acceptance which borders on the level of 'don't give a fuck really, but it makes for a great shit stir'?

Or Carrie's almost maniacal reaction as she bounced around like a kangaroo, yelling....

"I won....I won!  Woohoo, thanks Ben. I'm going shopping!"

The few diners who remained at the restaurant tables mistakenly believed she'd won the lottery. Thank goodness she didn't clear up their misconceptions!

The look on Mig's face when he mentioned his date night with his gorgeous wife? I know it so well and can't help my small smile. Seen it on my man's face every day since he came home to me.


(Authors Note: Déjà vu Hillbean?  😉)

Though for the last two nights, Norman's anticipation has been more for nighty-nighty. Rather than his much beloved....nooky-nooky.

I've been on the lunch shifts for the last two days. Allowing me to be at home for him when he finishes at the convention. As soon as the town car drops him at the door, I'm there. Ready and waiting with the three B's.

No fourth B though....the Benny that is. Even he can see sense sometimes and respect his limitations.

Pretty much give him all three at once. Cos he's so exhausted, it speeds up his journey to the land of nod.

The bath is hot and ready for him to step into once I strip him down. Grimacing at the smelly mélange of dozens of perfumes emanating from his shirt. Which is usually covered in more makeup than you can find at a Macy's cosmetic counter.

I'm not jealous of the fact that the majority of his fans are women who literally throw themselves at him. Or the fact he's now a major heartthrob. It's a consequence not only of his job, but by being drop-dead gorgeous.

Inside and out to boot.

Cos when he finishes his commitments for the day? It's Benny Tennyson, two fluff balls and an elderly ghost that he comes home to. And the four of us who are waiting for him are very happy campers indeed  🤗

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