Chapter 37 - Please Sir....Can I Have S'mores?

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I wanna hear those words come out of Ben's mouth over and over and over again for all eternity.

Except, I can't wait any longer. Just need to kiss the fuck out of her!

And so this forty-year-old guy ground his mouth down on hers. Like a teenager who learnt how to kiss by watching porn movies.

My teeth grazed the soft skin of her lips continuously as my tongue tied hers in knots. Barely heard whimpers pass from her gob into mine.

But they aren't the only sounds because the groans coming up from my chest could rival Henry's.

If he was a vocal kind of ghost that is.

When my mouth eventually left hers for more than a few seconds, Ben did what I asked and didn't stop.

"....odious....beastly...."  She moaned as her palms slid up my chest.

Pushing my riding jacket over my shoulders and tugging it down my arms.

"Irritating abomination of a man"  Slides out as her fingers struggled with the buttons on my denim shirt.

Eventually giving up in frustration, she tugged it out of the waistband of my jeans and pulled it apart.

"....nothing but trouble since the first...."  She growled.

Those eager lips swept their way down my neck and latched onto a nipple. Tugging it with her teeth when my fists wound her hair around them.

Her hands are now grappling with my belt and I feel the zipper separate as it goes south.

"Bane of my life...."  Ben murmured into my belly button.

She lowered herself to her knees in front of me and my jeans pooled around my ankles. Shortly thereafter reunited with my boxers.

"Hate you....hate you....hate you...."

Those words are whispered with as much force as the fingers that're now gripping me. And I let out a gasp when I peered into her upturned face.

My hands leave her hair and gently cup her cheeks. Thumbs barely stroking the soft skin under those storm-cloud eyes of hers. Eyes that mirror the look of total love and longing I know must be in mine.

The next time those lips of hers opened? No words came out. Instead, she drew me in.

"Ben....Oh Missss...."

I'm a complete goner. Hell, my legs almost collapse under me every time her mouth moves.

But not once....not once  does her intense gaze leave mine.


The moans coming out of my throat are getting louder with every minute that passes.

Know that soon they'll be turning into uncontrollable howls. Especially if she keeps up the swirling of her tongue and the suction of her mouth for much longer.

When her palms began to grip and release me as well?


"Is ss....ssomething wrong?"

Her words stuttered when I bent over. Gently tugged on her arms until her fingers released me and she stood. Clasping her butt in my palms I lift her up and off her feet.

Tugging at her thighs until they wrap around my hips. Much as they do when she's on my bike.

"Not one fucking thing is wrong....everything is perfect. You're fucking perfect, Ben!"  I growl, lips gluing themselves to hers again when I shuffle my way towards our bedroom.

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