Chapter 9 - Ménage A Petite Pois

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"Did you honestly think that not answering my phone calls or responding to my messages was going to stop me from saying my piece, young lady?"

"If so....then you're a bigger fool than the one you've turned yourself into!"

"Hi, Gran. Yes, I'm just fine and dandy....thanks so much for asking. It's lovely to see you too. I just adore your makeup. Is that Mac's new 'Furious'  line adding such a gorgeous, girlish blush to your cheeks?"

It's hurricane season in Florida and by default, the old Grayson mansion. I've just sashayed my paisley-covered butt into a major storm front.

So glad to see nothing has changed.

Grabbing hold of the hand that's aiming itself at my bum, I bend over. Plant a smacker on top of her silver-haired head before flopping down on the Chesterfield.

As far away from her grasp as I can possibly get.

"Bring it on, don't go holding back now"  My hands make little come hither motions in her direction.

Thank heavens I still have my medical insurance coverage. Because she takes my invitation and literally gallops with it.

"Albany Cooper Tennyson! My only granddaughter who used to be so demure, smart and beautiful. Before turning herself into a cheap scruffy bohemian."

" With a sassy mouth and shit for brains...."  She spluttered.

"Language, young lady!"  My finger wagged at her like a puppy's tail, before I responded indignantly.

"And I'm not scruffy! I'll have you know that being boho doesn't come cheap."

Well, thanks to eBay and thrift stores? It does nowadays, thank goodness.

A chef's take-home pay isn't that flash unless you're a Bobby Flay or Wolfgang Puck. And living in New York? Most of my wages simply go

Still, I'm a careful budgeter. I've managed to squirrel away enough savings to keep me solvent for a few more months yet.

And I've successfully thwarted all of Gran's attempts to get me to access the trust fund she created for each of her grandkids.

So far....

She chose to ignore my retort entirely, not an unusual reaction. Pretty much par for the course actually.

"Well congratulations, missy! You have the distinction of becoming the first Grayson ever  to be fired from a position within our empire. Don't you feel any shame at all?"

Empire? Honestly, Gran!

"Heaven and earth. Are the shades of Grayson to be thus polluted?"  I deliberately misquote Jane Austen's words from Pride and Prejudice, one of Gran's favourite books.

Secretly, one of mine too. But I'll never admit that to anyone but you guys.

Mr. Darcy? Be still my beating heart....

Her mouth twitched but she kept up her steely gaze.

"Your track record is pristine, Granny. Benny Tennyson, Head Chef at one  kitchen in just one  of your many hotels got fired. For being a total dickhead. Hardly newsworthy and it'll definitely not  bring about the fall of Rome."

"You're a Grayson as well. Even though you try your hardest not to be. Obstinate, wilful, headstrong girl!"

Ok, now I'm starting to seriously freak out. Hearing Gran channelling Lady Catherine de Bourgh as well? Is way too much.

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