Chapter 6 - Bedroom Blintz

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"Beeny Teeny!  When did you becoming a malen'kiy porosenok?"


"Vala? What the hell? What're you doing back in New York? And more to the point, what the hell are you doing in my bedroom? Waking me up so bloody early?"

Pushing the hair out of my face, I peel open sleep-glued eyes. Peer down to the foot of my bed.

There she is, all four feet eleven inches of her. Standing to attention like a bristling miniature Cossack.

"And don't you wave your finger at me. You're not my bloody grandmother!"

Sitting up in bed, I pull a couple of pillows to me and shove them behind my back.

"If I am the bloody babushka, I not wave finger....I wave Kalashnikov instead. And it's eleven in the AM. Now move over and give me pillow! The ankles are poofing."

Kicking off her shoes, Vala climbed over the footboard and crawled up the bed towards me.

Bossy bitch!

Folks? Please allow me to introduce Valentina Olga Vasilyevich Hammerstein, otherwise known as Vala.

Aka....Ivan the Terrible.


We met on my second week at the Culinary Academy in New York.

There I was, simply minding my own business. Sitting in the small park opposite the admin building. Quietly eating my lunch and soaking up the last few rays of Autumn sunshine.

Then this bloody Russian invaded my life and took up permanent residency!

"I KEEL YOU!  Pluck feathers for pillow, eat the tits on blintzes for supper!"  She screamed at the flurry of pigeons who took flight around her quick marching legs.

She's never one to just saunter, my Vala. But then again when you're as tiny as she is? I suppose you have to walk really quick to keep up with the rest of us.

Her hair is almost as white as snow and was gathered up into a long complicated silky plait. Pale blue eyes like chips of glacial ice.

But her ice princess exterior, fiery temper and brusque manner hide her hot and sometimes....very tender heart.

"I keel you too if you keep the laugh. I may think if you give me banananana"  Her body flopped down and leant against the tree with mine.

"It's banana. You've too many 'nas'  going on there. I take it you don't like birds much?"

I had no doubt she'd 'keel'  me going by that temper of hers. So I gave up the piece of fruit willingly.

Don't want my  tits ending up on blintzes.

"Only when they are on my fuck."

She demolished it in seconds, then gazed longingly at what remained of my salad sandwich. I sighed and handed it over.

Anything to keep my butt safe.

"Ok, now I'm gonna take a stab here and assume you meant....fork ?"

"Fuck....fuck....yes I say that! Do the ear you have not be working? But why you stab me? I not be keeling you now I have the food."

So that's how it started.

Every lunch break for the next year, she'd join me in the park and I'd give her food. So she wouldn't keel me.

Vala was studying English at a nearby college. So she could get her citizenship and a license to practice law in the States. She originally came from Leningrad in Russia.

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