Chapter 32 - The Bain Marie' Of My Life

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"Hey, everyone!  Welcome to Nic & Normans. I'm the latter. Our birthday girl is dragging her heels a bit, feeling a little shy. she is!"

Grabbing me by the shoulders, super-numpty propelled me forward. I keep a smile plastered on my face whilst performing my best attempt at ventriloquism. Threatening him in a whisper....

"I've got my own cemetery and I'm not afraid to use it, Mister!"

"Ooooh  goody! I've still got plenty more ideas about your backyard too, Missy....can't wait" He whispered back.

"Happy Birthday!....Happy Birthday!"

I'm swallowed up by my My mouth gradually relaxes as cheeks are kissed and hugs are returned tenfold.

The Misses are here. Sarah, Franz and Ash along with my cousins. Aunty Kat and Uncle many people.

"So that's the guy you punched out, cuz? And he's now your....boss?"  Judd whispered in my ear and I turned in his arms to follow his gaze.

Norman is shaking Uncle Billy's hand. Both of them smiling, nodding and chatting to each other as if they're long-lost buds.

My head is nodding too. Not trusting myself to speak until my heart stops trying to thump its way out of my chest.

He's here....really here!

I hadn't told him. I never tell anyone when it's my birthday. Yet here he is. And it's all I can do to stop myself from weeping Adoration?

Adoration, Benny?

You're not a fucking thesaurus. But surely you can come up with something better to describe the feelings coursing through your body, brain and heart right now?

"He sure as shit doesn't look at you like a boss. Want me to sort him out for you, Benj?"

"Thanks for the offer, Juddy. But he's one battle that I'm more than capable of fighting on my you well know. Besides, you'll have to line up behind Vala. Don't think there'll be much left for you once she takes her pounds of flesh."

I turn and kiss him on the cheek before heading over to my little namesake. Who's screaming loud enough to wake the dead. Oscar is more than willing to give him up.

Poor bugger looks like he hasn't slept in weeks.

"Hey, my little man....what're you doing to your poor old Daddy? He doesn't need to deal with your shit as well as your Mummy's. So be a good boy for Aunty Beeny and give him a break, eh?"

He stopped his crying and gazed up at me with slightly unfocused eyes. Sucking tiny fists into that adorable rosebud mouth of his. I bury my face into his roly-poly neck and just....nuzzle.

"Jeezus Benny, how do you do it? " Oscar groaned with relief.

"She tends to have that effect on guys. Turns them to putty in her hands. Hi, I'm must be Oscar. Redbull or Espresso, pal?"

"Both. Simultaneously if possible?"

"I'm on it. Intravenous caffeine coming right up. Benny, why don't you go get changed into civvies? You get the rest of the day orders of the management. I got this little fella."

Norman took him gently from my arms and sat down with Oscar.

"Whatever you say, Boss."

"Well! That's the first and only time I'll ever hear those words at Missy?"

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