Chapter 16 - Every Day Is A Sundae

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After I dropped Gordo off at the airport I decided against going back to the restaurant. Kicking on with the boys.

Benny left just before we did. Seemed to be flagging a quieter? It's no wonder, must've been a whirlwind few days for her.

Besides, the poor girl couldn't get a word in edgeways once we got started.

I passed on her contact details to Sarah, when she texted me about the change in appointment time. Then I crashed into bed.

When I woke at seven the next morning? I knew there's no way my eyes were gonna close again. So I got dressed and wandered out for breakfast.

Well, that was my intention. But for some reason, my feet kinda steered me down Main Street to Sarah's office. And that's when I bumped into Benny....literally.

Mascara be damned! 

I know when a girl's been crying. And it looks like she's let loose another flood. I forgave her white lie, just wish she'd tell me what's wrong. Don't know if I can help, but I'd listen.

Maybe one day....soon?

At least I know she isn't shedding tears about leaving someone special behind in New York. Her face told me everything when I kinda slipped the question in.

Did a shit job of hiding my own reaction though, huh!  😁

Poor Sarah! I feel bad for her as well, having to deal with us two big kids. I all but ignored her as she drove us around. Too busy talking non-stop with Benny.

It came as a real shock to us both. Discovering we frequented so many of the same haunts in New York yet had never crossed paths. Know a few of the same people even.

Her tastes are as eclectic as mine. From art to music, books and movies. It's as exciting as it's spooky.

When Sarah stopped briefly at a café so Benny could use the facilities, I apologised.

"Come to the restaurant and bring whoever you want. It'll be my treat, not Benny's. I just can't thank you enough, Sarah. Not just for fitting us in but for putting up with us"  I gave her a grateful hug.

"Pfffft!  Think nothing of it. You've always been one of my favorite clients, Norman. And it's the least I can do, given how much business you've sent my way. But believe it or not, I'm having fun too."

"Wish I have more to offer Benny, but rentals are so rare nowadays. Just hope the next one doesn't put her off my services forever?"

As soon as we pull up, I understand what she meant. This place isn't a renovator's delight. It's a demolition site just waiting for a wrecking ball.

Oh, how wrong could I have been....


"Did you say cemetery? Fucking ace....where? "

I smiled down at Benny's beyond-excited face as she grabbed my hand. Dragged me through the undergrowth, with Sarah carefully tottering on her heels behind us.

"It's not used anymore, not since the fifties at least. But it's a protected historical site and some of the graves go back to the early eighteen hundreds"  She called out as we gazed over the rickety iron fence.

"I'll just go unlock. Come inside when you're ready."

"Oh, sorry Norman!"

Benny realised that again, she's still holding my hand and let go. Not before I see the flush rise up her neck though.

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