Chapter 22 - That's Amoretto!

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Mattie and I fist bumped after we shuffled back behind the curtain.

I'd been worried somewhat. That doing a few verses of Kevin Bloody Wilson's Christmas classic might be a bit too 'politically incorrect'?

Ash had put my fears to rest.

"Benny, believe me! When this lot get together it's a case of absolutely anything goes. No holds barred."

Secret Satan proved just how much fun these guys liked to have. I'd wondered why Greg had stressed the party rule?

Now I know  🤣

When I pulled Carrie's name out of the hat I gave myself a high five. For two very different reasons.

I've been welcomed with open arms by almost everyone from the very first. My new brigade are brilliant. And having Nathaniel as a newbie with me meant I wasn't the sole new kid on the block.

Carrie who works the bar is the only female close to my age. So we naturally gravitated towards each other....became firm friends. Finding a totally unsuitable present for her had been fun.

My hopes of getting a calm and mentoring Exec Chef were dashed before I even met Cal. Monty and Dyl gave me the heads up straight away, took pity on me. And for that, I'm very grateful.

Their warnings and finding out that Cal had no say in hiring Nathan or myself in the first place? Meant I went in....prepared. Well, as prepared as I was ever going to be.

He's the only fly in my ointment. Well....apart from Mr Reedus of course. Except I don't think that anything on this earth could've ever prepared me for him, regardless.

The other reason I was glad to have picked Carrie?

I didn't want any pressie from me to one of the guys to be misconstrued. Especially after all the efforts I'd put into subtly deflecting the attentions of some of the single men who worked here. And some of the not-so-single ones.

Yeah, it's supposed to be a Secret Satan....but there's no such thing as a secret is there?

"Fuck me....I've got a survival kit!"  Carrie screamed in excitement as she dug her way through the Santa sack I'd filled for her.

"Glow in the dark pube dye? I'll never have to draw an arrow on my tummy ever again! Clitter Glitter! Ooooh....a Unihorn...."  She exclaimed over everything.

From the roll of crime scene tape that proclaimed, 'Do not cross – Brains being banged to death inside'. To the bar mat printed with 'I'm a girl who can hold her his ears'. Plus the assortment of penis-shaped swizzle sticks.

Thank goodness for eBay and plain paper packaging!

"Oh my God, Benny! Yours isn't just peppermint spins like a barber pole"  She screeched, grabbing my pressie out of my shaking hands and switching it on.


Not only that? It plays music depending on the speed. I heard Pharrell telling everyone he's 'Happy'  as it got passed around the table.

Swear I heard Norman laughing his head off over the din of the crowd.


After the concert, everyone got down to some serious partying.

Bods were crammed together in the little area that'd been turned into a dance floor. Booze was guzzled. And a few make-out sessions were going on out in the carpark.

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