Chapter 27 - Eggsnogged

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The cats had been happily playing with the ribbon adorning one of my gifts to her, still to be opened.

But when I screech out in absolute shock? They both scrabble for footholds on the wooden floor.

We watch in amazement as two furry butts finally take off and fly around the corner. Heading for the safety of our bedroom. The safe, dark wardrobe of our bedroom to be precise.

"Guessing you like your pressie then?"  Ben asked with a growing smile.

I near on swooned away. Laying myself flat on the floor with the painting clutched to my bare chest, my legs do an Irish jig in the air. 

All the while....I'm screaming in disbelief.

It's six AM Monday morning, Christmas morning to be exact. 

And instead of being snuggled up in bed where any other sane adults would be. Those without kids in tow that is?

Here we are, sitting stark naked on the floor in front of the fire.

Eating the cookies and drinking the mini bottles of scotch we left out for Santa. Yelling in excitement like three-year-old's with sugar-induced A.D.D.

When I'm on my own turf?

Love nothing better than just wandering around either naked or with only an old robe on. And I adore that Benny feels comfortable enough around me and in her own skin to do the same.

And what skin it is.

More often than not, I'll just get totally lost in looking at her. Then I wink and make her blush when I catch her doing the exact same.

Benny insisted I go first. Passed over a pile of presents to me that we stacked underneath the tree.

Sitting up quickly, I get deadly serious real fast.

"I love it, I truly do. But I also have a fair idea of how much it's worth.'s far too extravagant. You shouldn't be spending all your hard-earned cash on me, sweetheart."

Feel like a kid who's finally gotten his hands on a prized toy but is willing to give it up. Because he feels guilty about his parents going into hock to pay for it.

I almost did five years ago when this very painting went to auction. It's at least doubled in value since then. And now it's really mine?

"Oh, it cost me alright but not in the way you're thinking. And no, Mister....I didn't sell my body to pay for it!"  Ben giggled, scrunching up some wrapping paper and throwing it at my grinning face.

"I asked Jonah for help. Sent him a list of your favourite artists and he happened to have some of them in his own personal collection. So we did a trade. You got your gift and Jonah gets me to cater for his sixtieth birthday bash next year."

Leaning over, I give her a long and luxurious kiss that leaves us both pretty breathless.

"I reckon Jonah well and truly got the better end of that trade, Ben. Thank you, baby. It's fucking awesome. I'll love it forever."

My eyes went back to admiring the Richard Butler painting of a girl in a Mickey Mouse gimp mask.

Benny explained how Jonah sent her pics of quite a few contenders. But knowing how much I love my masks? This one seemed the most apt.

"Your turn now, Missy"  My lips are being gnawed on nervously as I place a heavy rectangular present in her lap.

Benny unwrapped it very carefully. Cos I've hand painted the wrapping paper myself. She wants me to put it in a frame for her.

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