Chapter 21 - Norm's Nuts Roasting On An Open Fire

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"Benny? Sweetheart, where are you going....?"

Ignoring Clark Kent I stomp into the staff room. Grab the A3 sheet and blue tack from their little container hanging from the noticeboard. Stick it on the wall.

'Bang Head Here'  The words inside the big circle announce.

Hell....who am I to argue?

"What the fuck are you doing, Numpty? And what's so wrong about me coming in to diffuse the situation? It was getting out of control!"

Norman grabbed me by the shoulders and spun me around to face him.

Luckily, the first few thumps of my forehead on the target have cleared out 'most'  of the homicidal thoughts that hijacked my brain for a few seconds.

And back in its place is cool, calm....but still fucking frustrated Benny.

"Not only was there no 'situation'  to diffuse, Mister. But I had it well under my control. You took that away from me! I had Cal right where I wanted him, but now...."

I take a deep breath and blow it out before continuing.

'Calm blue ocean....calm blue ocean....calm blue ocean....'  I chant in my head.

"Norman, I've worked for Execs just like Cal for ten years. So trust me when I say, I've learnt more than a few tricks when it comes to standing up for myself against them."

"All female chefs do. Hell....make that all females full stop. It's Psychology 101 and we use those tricks on every guy we meet."

"In this case? Let him rant and rave but don't react. Stay calm, then I'll always  maintain the higher ground. He'll wear himself out while I save my strength, maintain my dignity."

"Did you hear me yelling, Norman?  Cal lost control, I didn't."

"But the guy was nuts, Benny! Throwing accusations around like that."

"He's the Executive Chef, my direct boss and he gave me a dressing down. The first one, I'll own it. One hundred percent....he was justified. It was totally wrong of me to switch around dishes without discussing it with him first."

"His menu....his decisions. I should've given him my suggestions instead of just acting upon them myself. I've been so used to having my own stand-alone team, but I have to get used to working with and for others now."

"The second one? He was just seeing how far he could go with a sneaky shove before I shoved back. Call him out on it. Every Exec does that, Norman. To see if you'll stand up to them or roll over and take it like a bitch."

"Cal was wrong and he bloody well knew it. But I didn't roll! "

"So if you showed him....why'd you say I took away your 'control'  Benny? Besides, the guy's a coward and a douchebag. He wouldn't have dared try it if he'd known we were all in the next room"  He sneered.

'If Norman dislikes Cal so much, why is the 'douchebag' still even here?'  I wondered.

"Oh, Norman...."  I let out a sad sigh at his....naivety?

"He knew damn well you guys were all in there and listening. Why else would he come in specifically on one of his days off? These incidents happened weeks ago and he's had ample opportunity before now  to take me to task over them."

"He knew, and he he could see for himself."

"Management hired a Head Chef without any input from him. The Executive Chef who normally hires their own staff. Plus you guys went and hired one who's a female to boot!"

Cooking Up A Storm - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now