Chapter 25 - Baste Not....Want Not

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"Norman....what's that noise?"

Benny's quiet voice breaks through the thoughts that are running lazily through my head.

We're lying in her bed. Limbs tangled together under the doona, which I pulled up when our sweaty skin started to feel the chill of the night air.

"Oh Jeezus!  I forgot all about him...."  I yelp, releasing my grip around her body and sliding out of the bed.

I hear her light footsteps follow me down the hall.

"Sorry, sweetheart. I felt guilty about leaving him on his own again, so I brought him with me. Hope you and Mao don't mind?"

She peered over my shoulder as I opened up the box. We're greeted by a pair of amber eyes, staring up in disgust at having been cooped up for so long.

"Awwww, must be Eye? Hello, little man. Would you like to come out and stretch your legs?"

She spoke to him so gently then reached her hand in slowly. My cat sniffed it, before giving her permission to scratch around his ears.

So good.

Feeling a brush of fur against my thigh, I glance down. To see a huge basketball on four legs slowly rise up and peer over the box, like a meerkat.

I steel myself, waiting for all hell to break loose. But ginge just placed his paws delicately on the edge and dropped something.

Eye pounced on it.

"This is Mao. He won't hurt you, sweety. He just wants to say hello too. See? He's bought you his favourite toy."

We both sat back on our heels and watched as Eye picked up the ragged stuffed animal in his mouth. Jumped lightly from the box before taking himself over to the rug in the middle of the room.

Tossed it up into the air.

Crossing my legs, I draw Benny back until she's in my lap. And hold her tight as we watch both cats play ping pong with the mouse.

"That's incredible....usually he's stand-offish with anyone but me. But he seems to have made a couple of new friends. Awesome!"

I breathe out a sigh of relief and bend down to kiss Benny on the ear, making her purr.

"Mao's like catnip. He's so one can resist him"  She told me proudly.

"Takes after me then, sweetheart....OUCH! "

My moment of smugness was put in its place when she reached back. Gave a little tug on my short and curlies, before rising up. Padding back to her bedroom.

I sit here, totally mesmerised by the way her ass sways on her way out. And just as spellbound at how her breasts jiggle on her way back.

"Hungry?"  Benny asked, tossing her doona on the couch.

"Always. mean food."

I waltz into the kitchen and wrap her in my arms. Tightly again, so she can't reach back and remove any more hairs.

"Smells nom."

"Hope it's still edible. Yep! A few more minutes and we'll be good to go."

Benny gave a little hum of satisfaction as she bent over and opened the oven to look inside.

Don't know if she's pleased with the food or the fact that I haven't let her go and bend over with her.


Cooking Up A Storm - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now