Chapter 41 - Cordon Bleuch!

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We wandered around the main hall of the convention for a while. Looking at all the memorabilia stalls as the ladies nattered excitedly and compared their photos.

Miss Lottie haggled hard for a discount on a bulk buy of Daryl t-shirts for the group. Eventually, the seller caved. Settling for a sixty percent price drop. They're now crowing and holding them up to admire before tucking into their cups of tea.

Nan has settled them down at a few roped-off tables in one of the cafes. So they can have a breather before the final surprise.

In twenty minutes, they'll all be ushered into the big auditorium. Where the cast and a lot of the execs are taking part in the final panel of the weekend.

I'm just praying all thirteen Misses won't faint when they realise what's in store for them. I'm praying even harder about something else though.

That I won't keel over first.

"Bean? You do not look very normal. Is there something not good for you?"  Liev whispered in his accented English while I quickly glanced around for the Ladies room.

"I'm Ok. Just feeling a bit warm all of a sudden....must be all these crowds. Going to splash some water on my face. That should perk me up. Be right back."

Luckily there was a free stall, so I jumped in and sat down. Yanking away the hair plastering itself to the back of my neck.


Wish I had Miss Min's fan right now cos I'm sweating my box off. I rest for a little while before getting out and heading for the basin.

Splashing my face, I glance up at the mirror and agree wholeheartedly with Liev. I really don't look that flash. My normally warm hued skin isn't just looking pale, it now resembles the flesh of a dead cod.

"Don't you dare come down with the flu now, Benny. Ain't nobody got time for that!"  I scold my reflection.

Earnt myself a strange look from a middle-aged lady at the basin next to me. She then slunk away, as if I'm contagious.

When I opened the door to leave, our little cadre trouped in en-masse.


"I'm sorry, Nan. I clean forgot about the panel when I suggested a tea break. Good thinking on your part to make them have a pit stop"  I praise, flopping down onto the vacant chair next to her.

"No toots, it wasn't me. Their ringleader....Miss Lottie? She gave them the order and said it was time. Getting older and having to pee according to a timetable? Bugger that!"

"Wanna brew, lovey? There's still some hot in the pot."

"I'll pass. Really want to thank you though, for organising today. They were so excited at the thought of just being here. Everything else has been so incredible. Their rellies and friends are going to be so sick of their stories....once they get over their own jealousy that is."

"No hardship, Benny. This is a doddle compared to organising Norm's calendar. I love that man to death. But he's so bloody impulsive? I'd have more luck making a British Rail train run to its schedule than him"  She griped good-naturedly.

We chatted together with Liev and after a while, Nan glanced down at her watch. Started to panic.

"Ooooh!  I better go round them up and get them into their seats. Don't want them to....Oh thank the Lord. Here they come."

I joined the rear guard again.

"Are we....are we really going in there  dear?"  Miss Vi quietly voiced all the ladies' thoughts.

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