Chapter 18 - Amuse Smooch

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The scream ripping itself out of my lungs is epic in both volume and intensity.

My streaming eyes catch a glimpse of black fur when Eye scoots out of my bedroom and down the stairs.

Doubling over in agony, I clutch the sheet to my groin as if it has mystical healing powers.

There I was. Just having myself a nice sleep-in after ten of the most gruelling days of filming.

The old body has really taken a beating. I'm so looking forward to my week-long break before I head off to start filming 'Ride with Norman Reedus'.

The dream I was having before being so rudely awakened? Was over the top....even for me.

I'd turned into a walker. Growling and chasing Benny through the woods near her house. A very naked Benny, whose curvy butt rippled with muscle as she ran to get away from me.

Every now and then she'd turn around to see where I was. Tits were covered in a sheen of sweat....wobbling like perfect jellies.

Only she wasn't scared? Far from it!

"Dinner is served. Come and get it!"  She taunted with a laugh as we reached the cemetery.

When she stumbled, I caught her in my arms. Bent her forwards over a large headstone, pressing my pelvis against her butt.

Held her down with one hand in the middle of her back. As the other fumbled with the zip on my ragged jeans....

Can only use my imagination for what happened next  😞

Because right then?

Eye decided that my Johnson, which was huge and bouncing about merrily under loose pyjama bottoms....would make a wonderful scratching post.

After a few minutes, I pluck up the courage to lift away the sheet. Carefully ease my PJ's down.

"How're you doin, old fella....still in one piece?"  I whisper, gingerly giving myself a self-examination.

There are a couple of small punctures and a tiny scratch but other than that? He'll survive to play another day.

Unlike my cat!


"You're fucking lucky your nuts are already history, furball!"  I growl at Eye an hour later when I open the door to my garage.

Securing a few things on my bike I sit down very  gingerly on the seat. Start her up and head out.

Haven't seen Benny in the flesh since the day I left her to face her Gran. Ummmm, unless you count my dreams of course  😁


We didn't finish filming until near on ten PM. And it was closer to eleven by the time I got home, had a shower and wandered into my bedroom. Ice-cold beer in hand.

My text was no sooner sent when she rang.

"Thanks for the pic, Norman. So tell me....was she still alive when you jumped her bones? "  When she laughed, I relaxed completely.

"If I was into necrophilia? A zombie apocalypse would be my idea of heaven, Benny."

"So, are you making an X-rated version of the show then? I can just imagine the tagline...."  Her voice dipped until it became low and sexy.

"Daryl Dixon. He likes it erotic....just make sure you're necrotic! still there? "

I collapsed on my bed with laughter. Was probably twenty seconds or more before I could get my breath back.

Cooking Up A Storm - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now