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Yes, folks. It's almost that time again.

Bit sad as Benny has kinda wormed her way into my heart....and tummy.

But fear not, the old head is still full of dreams and scenarios involving the delectable Mr Reedus. And a new book is clawing its way out of the banana that is my brain.

'A Convenient Wife'....coming soon to a Wattpad near you!

But I must also concentrate on Mr & Mrs Dixon. The Saviors are soon to wreak havoc in 'Home is....'

Again, thanks for putting up with my warped sense of the ridiculous. I was in a bit of a frivolous mood putting this one down. Must've been the lead-up to the silly season bringing out the numpty in me  😉

And I hope the naughty bits let you stretch your imaginations.

Huge thanks to all those who read and decided to keep reading, voted, commented or even followed.

I'd like to send a big Onya to those lovely folk, whose names popping up on notifications always makes my day including Hillbean, MelissaDavis, AguaCaliente, Luci1996, Jennifer and Hammertime.

If I've missed out anyone my sincere apologies. Please know you're all awesome and truly appreciated.

No offence intended to those non-fictional folk who I included in here and the liberties I've taken with some of their own true life stories.

They're inspirations only.

So thank you again and as always....never stop reading....writing....imagining....dreaming.

Everyone deserves to escape every now and then  😘

Cooking Up A Storm - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now