Chapter 46 - Hey Pesto!

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"Ash and I had a meeting on Friday with all the kitchen staff. And the decision was a hundred percent unanimous"  Greg announced happily.

It only took a quick glance at Norman to know he's as much in the dark about this 'staff meeting'  as I am. He also seems more than a bit miffed that it happened whilst we were away.

"We all, that is....they  all voted you in as our new Executive Chef. Oh sorry, bit presumptuous of me. That's if you want the position?"  He clarified, looking at me with a huge expectant grin.

Then he noticed Norman's look as well.

"Now before you get your boxers in a knot, Norm? We thought it'd be best in light of your personal relationship with Benny to discuss this with them without either of you in attendance."

"That way, they could all speak freely. Have a say and not feel as if it's a fait accompli because of, know."

Can clearly see he's feeling a bit embarrassed at having to leave his business partner and good friend out of such a big discussion. I feel awful that he had to do that and dive in without thinking.

"I understand totally. That would've been a hard decision for you to make, Greg....given the circumstances. Thank you. We really appreciate you doing that for us and the guys."

Put my hand over Norman's and give it a gentle squeeze. Hoping he'll understand why I spoke on his behalf as well. Was relieved when eventually he put his other hand over mine and squeezed back.

"And I'm flattered to be asked to take on the position. But, are you....are you really sure?"  I continued.

"I mean, after all that's happened since I've been here? And that's only been nine months. Surely Mig or Frank....Nathan or one of the others should be considered? Given the opportunity to put their hand up?"

"Ben, we never even got the chance"  Ash cut in.

"Look, all we did was call the meeting. Started it off by getting everyone to throw ideas in the ring of what we should do now that Cal's gone. They told us what they wanted, we didn't tell them."

"And like Greg said, it was unanimous."

"Nathan said he'll eventually like a crack at being top dog down the track. But for now, he's more than happy to get an opportunity to step up into your shoes as Head. Gain some more experience."

"Frank wasn't interested in the slightest, nor was Liev. Mig would like some extra shifts, now that his youngest has started Junior High. But not the responsibility."

"So....tag. You're it, Jelly Bean!"  Ash finished off with a grin.

"Liev?"  Norman and I asked in unison.

"Ummmm, there's a little bit more we need to tell you guys."

Greg is looking really  sheepish now, but still excited. Obviously, a lot more went on at that meeting. have been a fly on the wall.

"Norm? Sarah....the realtor gave us a call on Thursday night. Old McGinty from next door is pulling the plug and retiring. Not renewing his lease."

Norman sat up abruptly, all ears now.

"And?"  He whispered, almost holding his breath?

"We've got the first option if we want it. You know what that means, don't you?"

Now I'm even more confused, as I peer at the excited faces of the three men around me.

"Benny, let me explain. Last year we had a little chat about expanding the restaurant. Taking on another venue so we can cater solely for all the group bookings we get asked to do."

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