Chapter 10 - How Do You Mock A Snapper?

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"Gordo! Great to see you again, bud. Life been treating you good?"

We give each other many manly hugs, much slapping of backs and shaking of hands. I grab his head and sneak in a quick peck on the cheek. As I'm known to do....often.

It's just my thang.

He doesn't mind a bit. Even though we're now surrounded by a gaggle of other airport travellers who are staring at us both with stunned eyes.

We chat and catch up with happenings since we've seen each other last. Near on six months ago already?

When his bag came tumbling down the carousel, I grabbed it. Lead him to the valet parking service.

Neither of us have really drawn a proper breath yet  🤣

We were out of the bustle that was Atlanta, cruising in Greg's Cherokee that I borrowed. That's when I throw it out there once more.

"Listen, Gordo. I know you're probably sick of hearing it? But I'm really grateful for everything you've done, man. Especially when you're up to your eyeballs with work and all. Just wanted you to know....that it's really appreciated. From Greg, Ash and me."

"Not a problem, Norm. Don't give it another thought, mate. But I should be the one thanking you. I can't believe what you guys have set up for me."

I gave him a bit of a stunned look then grinned.

The guy is bouncing in his a kid on his way to Disneyland.



It was the day after my original call to Gordo. He listened and didn't knock my request back. But said he'll have to check with his P.A first. To see if he can fit it into his schedule.

I just got back to my trailer on set when he rang.

We were still on location, filming scenes of me and Emily running away from walkers. I was hot and sweaty, covered in scratches from branches.

And hooting my head off in sheer excitement.

Greg stuck his head around my door to see what's tickling my fancy this time. So I told him.

"Shit, eh?"  He breathed out one last time, before squinting at me sceptically.

"What's the catch, Norm? Reading through resumes, making a short list, a plane trip and a day's interview work? Those aren't dangling carrots that would excite me too much. So I repeat....what's the catch?"

"Just a couple of hours on set watching one of the scenes being filmed. Nothing more. Think you can handle that  catch?"

I watched as his face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Watch? Screw that!  Hell, we'll put him in make-up and turn him into a walker!"

Ash nearly fainted when we told him that night.

And for the next couple of weeks, we sat on tenterhooks. Waiting for Gordo to pull the pin, because something else more important had come up in the meantime.

But he was true to his word as we were to ours. Ringing me every couple of days to give updates on the applications. Poor bugger, there was a stack of them he said.

Hope the prospect of being dead is enough compensation?


"So what do you think of Georgia and Senoia, our little enterprise here?"

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