Chapter 36 - Wok In Progress

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Dropping the grater, I fly over to the sink and flick on the tap. Holding my knuckle under the cold stream, I watch the rivulet of pink water swirl down the drain.

By now I'd normally be hopping around. Feeling the sharp sting and hissing through my teeth as the cold water flows over the graze.

Instead, I'm hopping around with a huge numpty grin on my face. Singing along....badly  to Ed Sheeran.

"Oh, I'm a mess right now...."

You got that damn right, Tennyson! And you know what everyone? I can't be bloody happier.

'What has she been sniffing?'  I can hear you all asking.

Well gimme a minute to put a plaster on and I'll enlighten you.

Now, where was I? Oh yeah....

Well firstly, it's Thursday and I've just finished my lunchtime shift. Tomorrow is April Fifteenth....Good Friday. And the restaurant will be closed for the next four days.


Tonight, Cal finishes his last shift and will be gone for a whole three weeks. He's flying to Miami tomorrow. Then the lucky crew and passengers of Celebrity Cruiselines will have the dubious pleasure of enduring his scintillating company.

Wonder how many will abandon ship before they even arrive in Cuba?

Ash, Frank, Mig and I had a little get-together this morning. To redo the kitchen roster he put in place to cover his absence. Cos the little Nazi had me down on staggered shifts for the entire duration, no break.

And whilst I'm now going to be left a staff member short? I remain happy.

Because Nathan is getting the opportunity to step up and lead Cal's brigade. Having more than proven himself capable.

Should've known though, that Cal just couldn't go quietly. He made an extra special effort to come in half an hour before the normal shift changeover time. Just so he could give me another dressing down in front of everyone.

"Miss Tennyson! The contretemps that have plagued us since the beginning of the year? Or to be more precise....plagued you....seem to have died down somewhat in the last few weeks. It's my hope and not a vain one, that peace shall reign during my absence."

"It will be in your best interest as acting Executive Chef to ensure that happens. After all, I shouldn't have to point out again that you're still on final warning."

No, you didn't have to but thank you so much for sharing anyway. You bloody two-legged rectum with a larynx!

Now, now....Albany  😉

"There's no need to make me even more aware of it than I already am. Though I thank you for sharing your concerns, Cal. Have a lovely holiday abroad, we look forward to a postcard from Havana."

"Now if you'll please excuse us? We just need to finish off these last orders before your brigade takes over. See you when you return. Enjoy."

I was pleasant and smiled like hell even though it hurt my lips to do so.

When they heard the door to the staff changerooms close behind him, my guys let rip. But I'm far  too polite to repeat what they said  😏

Anyways, his vacation is my second Yeeeehaaaar!

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