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Helloooo  😀

The usual disclaimer and apologies.

I own nothing apart from my own characters, my own graphics, this story and my dreams of the man (when I cangettosleep of course).

No offence is intended to any real-life persons mentioned in this or any other of my stories.

I'm an Aussie, so apologies for my weird sense of humour and terminology. Message me or chuck in a comment if something makes you go....WTF? And I'll endeavour to translate it.

All comments good or bad are gratefully received. As are any votes if you feel inclined to do so.

Heck, I'll just be one happy little camper if you decide to read it at all.

If anyone is interested, I also have other Reedus Romances as well as an ongoing Daryl Dixon series 'Home Is....'. Have a look under my profile for the links.

Hope you enjoy!



* - Scene changes

**** - Memories, reminiscences

********** - Third-person narrations

Cooking Up A Storm - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now