Chapter 43 - I'll Believe It When I Fricassee It

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I didn't need to be a mind reader when Norman walked through our front door around four PM.

The slump of his shoulders, the turning down of his mouth after his brief smile in response to my greeting. His whole demeanour....speaks volumes.

He's gone to the restaurant and the verdict has been handed down. Now it's time for the sentence to be passed.

Can't help it, my sigh of relief....cos it's done now.

When he flopped down on the couch next to me, took my hand in his? I peered up and my sigh turned into a gasp. When I see the tears start to leak down his face.

In two shakes of a lamb's tail, I park my butt in his lap and cup his streaming cheeks. Place my lips against his scrunched-up forehead and start to whisper.

"It's alright, you don't have to say it. I don't want you to say it,'s alright. Please don't cry, my angel"  I gently kiss his soggy eyes over and over.

"We prepared for the worst and it's happened. Now we get over it and move on. Our future has just come around a bit sooner than we expected."

"I've got me a business plan to get started on. And Franz has always said I can work with him in the bakery. So I might just take him up on that offer for a while until I get some clients. What do you reckon?"

"It's not alright, Ben! How can you say that? You've lost your job twice now because of me! How can any of that be fucking alright? And you're a chef, not a fucking baker."

It took all my strength to stop the exasperated 'Pfffft'  from leaving my mouth.

Can't stop my eyes from rolling back in my head, however. In fact, they went so far back, I reckon they have an unobstructed view of my still slightly tender bum.

But my mouth? Well, that's beyond salvation....

"Well, it looks like the numpty train has left the station once again folks and this time it's an express. Do I have to get those 'spank'  knickers out and weld them to your backside, Mister?"

"Watch it, Missy"  He growled.

Those bottomless blue eyes of his blinked out a last bit of moisture....when they started to narrow in warning.

"No. You watch it, Norman Mark Reedus. Stop slapping your own ass, cos that's my fucking job. And I'll be damned if I'm gonna let you  take that awesome pleasure away from me."

"We made decisions....WE!  Just like we said we would. And guess what, Mister? I wouldn't change a single bloody one of them! "

"We knew there'd be consequences. Someone got pissed and the reason why? Well....even a brain-dead Kanye West can probably work that one out. But that's their  problem. And I'll be buggered if I'm going to let you  douse yourself in guilt and light the fucking match."

" any of this sinking in dear?"  I rap my knuckles against his skull just as Ash had done to my own a week ago.

Whoopsy. Maybe the woodpecker knock is a step too far....

Norman twisted around and pushed me off his lap. Until I'm wedged between the seat cushions of the couch and his shaking body. Still holding my hands, he pulled my arms up above my head. Held them there.

I'm trapped, and curiously....loving it.

"Missy? You'll be buggered alright....and I can't fucking wait! Cos I reckon I can make those spank knickers stretch to fit you in them as well. In the meantime, if I wanna take a guilt trip? Then I'm gonna finish the fucking journey!"

Cooking Up A Storm - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now