Chapter 20 - Glace'd And Confused

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"Honey....I'm hoooome!"  I trill when she finally answers her phone.

It's just after midnight and not an unusual hour for our phone calls. But she sounds sleepy this time.

"Sorry Benny, did I wake you?"  I ask guiltily.

"Noooo....whatever gave you that idea Norman?"  The sound of her exaggerated snores now fill my ear.

"Numpty"  I laugh, calling her the name she usually bestows on me when I'm being an idiot.

I settle back on the pillows and give a sigh of pleasure.

It's been a long ten weeks on the road filming my new TV series. Then a week in New York catching up with Mingo, his Mom and other friends.

Have had the most unbelievably awesome time. But Jeezus, I'm glad to be back on what I consider to be my home turf now.

It's Monday and Christmas is exactly a week away.

We made the decision at the beginning of the year to close down the restaurant for two weeks over the festive period. Give everyone a well-deserved paid break in addition to their normal vacation time.

Because they sure as hell deserve it. And we sure as hell can afford it.

We thought the restaurant had legs last year, but this last twelve months? It's turned into a fucking centipede. Barely a day goes by without a full house during opening hours.

Success like that doesn't come around too often.

But it isn't entirely due to who owns the joint or the fact most of the cast and crew came in often.

It stands on its own merits just as much. With the food, drinks and service bringing people back time and time again.

Greg and I can't believe our luck.

Thursday will be the last service. And on Friday night, we're throwing an in-house party for all the staff. Before they take off to enjoy the break with their families.

Last year's party had been a hoot and everyone is looking forward to this one for sure. Me more than anyone....cos I love a good get-together.

'It's gonna be a real eye-opener for Ben though'  I thought with glee.

Most days while I was gone, I'd send a text or pic to her. Of life on the road filming 'Ride with Norman Reedus'. Then almost every night I give her a call and tell her some funnies about what we got up to.

Or we just shoot the breeze. Talk about anything and everything.

As co-workers who are now really good

She got a real kick one night when I put Brent Hinds on the phone. Ben loves Mastodon too and Leviathan is one of her fave albums. He told her all about our trip around Louisiana, the visit to a voodoo priestess.

Only I haven't been able to call her these last few nights, as almost every second of my stay in New York was claimed by others. Hearing her voice again is like a soothing balm, and I instantly relax.

"How come you're already in bed asleep, sweetheart? What gives?"

"Didn't Ash tell you? Frank's Mum passed away suddenly, so he had to go back to Chicago in a hurry. The poor guy is devastated."

"Mig and I are picking up the slack with double shifts until shutdown."

"Awwww Jeez, that's bad news. I'll give him a ring tomorrow and see how he's getting on."

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