Chapter 13 - Oh Crepe!

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Wasn't joking when I told Chef Ramsay that I only just  made it to the restaurant. I pulled up in the rear car park with only ten minutes to spare.

Just enough time to change into the bit of kitchen kit I bought with me. Tuck my hair under a cap.

And it was nearly two PM by the time I left. Had to wait in the small staff room as I was the last one to be formally interviewed.

"We'll give you a ring as soon as possible, Benny. Won't leave you hanging on our decision for more than a day."

Ashley gave me a farewell wave as I drove away.

Working with him as Restaurant Manager won't be a hardship, as he seems like a decent bloke. Wonder if the Exec will be just as friendly?

It'll make for a nice change.

I can't in all conscience inflict myself on Vala and Oscar again so soon.

So I found a little traveller's motel and checked in. Ditched my chef's whites and had a lovely, long hot shower. Then I threw on jeans and a tee before hitting the pavement.

I find I'm enjoying myself. Just wandering around the quaint little town and not really looking at anything. It's helping me get rid of all the nervous energy that built up during the whole interview process.

And it's clearing my mind of the interview itself.

It is what it is, Benny  😑

I've gotta get used to the fact that my work record has a blot on it now. Deal with it whenever it comes up. Being totally honest is the only and best way to do that.

After an hour of strolling aimlessly, the realisation hits me.

For a small to mid-sized town, pretty as it is? It's sure getting a hell of a lot of tourist attention. I almost got flattened when a tour bus came flying down Main Street.

The fourth one I've seen in just ten minutes.

And it isn't only the number of tourists. It's also, dare I say....the type? If I have to take a stab, I reckon a good eighty percent of them are female?

Maybe I better look Senoia up when I get back to the motel and see what its claim to fame is? A secret fountain of youth, damn fine cake shop or maybe....full of hidden eligible men?

'You're such a numpty, Benny!'  I laugh inwardly.

Well, at least the restaurant should be doing a fairly brisk trade. Given the number of people around here.

'Maybe time for a little nap'  My mind gives me a big hint as my jaw widens in another gigantic yawn.

I suppose driving for fourteen hours and going straight into a five-hour interview process will do that to anyone.

Flopping on the bed in my room, I crack open a bottle of water and place my tablet on my tummy. Fully intending to do a bit of research on Senoia once I've checked my emails.

And more importantly, look up Nic & Norman's.

Two minutes later it slid silently to the carpet. When I rolled over and smooshed my face into the pillow.

Which is right about the same time my dream man smashed his naked body down hard onto mine, I reckon.


"Hello"  I murmur into the phone when it beeped me into wakefulness around seven AM.

I've slept the whole afternoon and night through!  😮

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