Chapter 49 - The Pearl In My Oyster

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I stumbled my way into the bathroom. Fully intending to have a cold shower.

Not just because I'm all hot and sweaty. Still covered in paint from an inspirational frenzy last night.

The dozen or so canvases that I printed with some of my photos, sprayed and daubed? They're still leaning up against the walls, drying.'s mainly thanks to the truly monstrous boner I've woken up with.

Courtesy of one hell of a dream in which Ben featured largely. Her and those little white knickers that are now draped over my bedside lampshade.

Shake my head and laugh again.

Remembering her face when she realised what I was waving in my hand. Before I jumped on the plane Thursday afternoon.

Remembering her face when she smiled down at me. Eyes half closed in joy and straddling my hips. As I writhed and nearly wept in ecstasy underneath her on the leather of the rear seat.

Priceless and....perfect....

My Missy made very....very  good use of the forty-five minutes I gave her  😁

It's Sunday morning and I'm knackered as all hell. Even when I eventually got to bed in the hours just before dawn, I kept waking. Rolling over and reaching out blindly, only to realise she isn't there with me.


Haven't even been much over forty-eight hours away from her. Yet it feels like a lifetime already. What the hell is it gonna be like when I've got to leave in a few week's start shooting the next of my 'Ride'  series?

"Don't even think about it you dumb, lovesick prick"  I berate myself.

You've done it before  😟

I'm in two minds now.

Do I turn on the shower or jump back in bed and give Ben a ring? Have a bit of fun over the phone? Won't shock her if I do, far from it. I've even rung her from my trailer during lunch breaks on set.

Or she's rung me  😉

We're just two peas in our own little pod of silly bliss.

The decision is literally taken out of my hands when my cell starts shrilling insistently.


"Norm? I'm downstairs in the lobby with a special delivery. If I were you man, I'd get that ass of yours down here. Toot de sweet if you get my drift"  I stare at my phone in confusion for a few seconds.

After Larry, my driver....hung up.

'Oh shit, it's probably my new penguin suit for tonight'  It finally twigged. Nan had said it would arrive sometime this morning.

Pulled on an ancient, frayed singlet and equally old tracksuit pants. Both are a bit crusty from dried paint.

Whatever, as long as they cover up my Johnson.

It's now bouncing around as I walk out the door. Only just remembering to grab my key card before it slams shut behind me.

Something about Larry's voice on the phone though. Sounded like he could only just contain himself?

I fling my body headlong into the elevator and stab a finger repeatedly at the down button.



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