Chapter 48 - Crème de la Norman

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It only took thirty seconds of me humming the theme from 'Jeopardy'. Before he rolled his eyes, gave a sheepish grin and caved.

"Couple of weeks ago, not even that maybe? I got home from the set and Lottie came over. Asked me if I'd help fix their rear storm door. Did that but I could tell something wasn't quite right with her."

"You know Lot....stiff upper lip and all that. So, I plonked my ass down in their kitchen. Told her I wasn't leaving until she fessed up. Sound familiar, Missy?"

"Far you shall go. Taught you well I have, young Jedi. What was wrong?"

"Miss Vi took a bit of a tumble bringing the washing in. Fell against the door and bent the frame. Seems she's been doing that a lot lately, losing her balance and all."

"It's no wonder, their floors are all uneven. Some of the boards are rotting away and with all them wonky steps leading in and out? Well....neither of them are spring chickens anymore."

"I didn't know it was that bad. Miss Vi has always laughed off her bruises as just being clumsy...."

I felt ashamed of my flippancy. And even more ashamed that I hadn't noticed something was seriously amiss. 

Norman must've read my face.

"Don't, Ben. We both see them every day, sweetheart....and neither of us realised. Which is just what Lottie was aiming for. She didn't want us to worry and because of that, she shouldered it all."

"She was scared that both of them would need to go into care, leave the house where they've lived happily all their lives. Then she worried because they'll have to sell the place to pay for it. Knowing it'll go for a pittance because they haven't been able to afford the upkeep. Still not have enough money even then."

"It just kept going around and around. Was doing her head in and she couldn't see a way out."

My hand shakily crept over to his as I started to leak again, as the pain pushed down on my chest. Thinking of the fear Miss Lottie must've been feeling....and kept to herself.

Norman turned away from me and I heard that note in his voice again. Stubborn yet not ashamed or apologetic for it.

"The papers I just signed, Ben? They're for settlement. I....well....we  just bought their house"  His voice ground down to a whisper.

"So I'm gonna tell you now, Missy....what you told me ages ago. Just don't say anymore. Ok? "

I undid my seatbelt and climbed over the console separating us. Straddled his lap and tucked my wet face into his neck.

Just sat there quietly for a few minutes. Me hugging this beautiful, tender-hearted man. As hard as he hugged me back.

"Don't you bloody well tell me what to do, Mister! Unless we're in the back seat....naked. You're so lucky we're sitting here in the middle of town right now. Otherwise, I'd be making you scream in about five minutes...."  I mutter fiercely.

My head is now bouncing around as his chest rumbled with laughter.

"Gimme the goddamn keys, woman...."


As we drove out of town he started to talk again.

"It was a no-brainer for me from the start, Ben. Knew straight away what I wanted to do just like you did. I'm sorry I did it without talking to you first, but I had to move quick. So she wouldn't stress anymore. Go and do something stupid without thinking it through properly."

Cooking Up A Storm - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now