Chapter 14 - Horses D'oeuvre

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I can tell that Greg and Ashley are more than confused. After I ask for some time to think over the job offer.

They obviously thought it's a done deal and that I'd jump at it.

The stress of the last couple of days combined with the shock of seeing Norman again? Finding out that he's the half-owner of the restaurant? That's a game-changer.

Yet it was he who became my champion.

"C'mon, guys. Give her a break. Benny's only asking for a few hours. Given that she didn't even know about the job until a few days ago? It's only fair."

"It's a big move from New York to Georgia for a start. And on top of that, finding out that I'm the 'Norman'  of the outfit? Well, she's got a right to have some time to mull it all over."

"Sorry....of course. I didn't think"  Greg nodded at me in understanding.

"Look, let me get the contract with all the terms of employment. We're changing things up with the roster a bit, but I hope it'll be suitable. We'll be finished filming by six. So why don't you come and join us for dinner here....say seven PM?"

"You can ask us any questions and give us your answer?"

"Thank you, Greg. I'm grateful for your understanding. I'd love to come back."


"So....have we made up then?"

Norman raised his eyebrows hopefully as he walked me out to my car.

I stop breathing after I give him a nod and a small smile. Because he gave me that thousand-watt one in return.

The same one he'd given to me that night at the hotel.

"Booyah!  Alrighty then....let's get on with the kissing!"

His eyebrows are now wriggling like worms as he gives me a pantomime leer. While rubbing his hands together in demented glee.

"Think I need to go buy myself a taser. I don't know what condition you have, Norman? But I sure admire your total dedication to it"  I splutter out in laughter.

"Yeah, I'm nothing if not a perfectionist. And I've got some handcuffs that'll go nicely with that taser. Cya tonight, Benny"  He called out as I jumped in Poppy's Jeep and drove off.


'You'll be a total numpty if you don't take it, Benny'  I sigh to myself, slumping back against the pillows in my motel room.

For the last three hours, I've gone over the contract and done all the math in my head. Even rang the realtor in New York. They're happy for me to sublet my apartment until the lease expires.

I'll be working four lunch services and then switching to four dinner services before having four days off. Yeah, the overall hours are less. But it means I might actually get to have a life that doesn't totally revolve around work for a change.

Paycheck will be less as well. But without the exorbitant cost of living in New York? I'll still be way....way ahead in that respect. It won't take very long at all to build up my savings nest egg again.

The rental market here concerns me a bit though. It's surprising how little availability there is. I might need to widen my search area?

Plus I like the restaurant, the food theme. Ashley and Greg.


This time I didn't let out a sigh. It's more like a groan.

Don't get me wrong. I'm really glad I actually got to apologise to him in person, after wanting to for so long now. It's just, well....I wasn't expecting it to be in these circumstances.

Cooking Up A Storm - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now