Chapter 11 - True Grits

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"Gordon Ramsay. Pleased to meet you...."

We stand there shaking hands as he starts his greeting. Only we don't get to finish.

Because an almighty mutha of a crash seemed to explode from the room next door? The wall shook as if it's going to collapse in on us.

Screeches of laughter and a long string of expletives quickly follow.

We just give each other looks of astonishment. Before he shook his head with an embarrassed smile and continued.

"Anyway, I'm pleased to meet you Albany. Please....take a seat."

The restaurant manager, Ashley....who monitored us in the kitchen? Poked his head into the room.

"Sorry about that folks, ahhhh  nothing to worry about. A little accident is all. Again, apologies for the interruption."

Little accident?  They seem to be happening at the rate of knots around me recently.

I sit down in the proffered chair, cross my legs and get comfy.

His celebrity doesn't faze me one iota. And I've eaten at a couple of his restaurants when he's been in residence.

Don't believe Hell's Kitchen for a single minute. None of his other venues are like that. They're well-oiled machines that send out great food. Not a raised voice or 'fucking hell'  to be heard....

....unlike next door.

'Way to go, Vala!'  I give her grudging silent kudos in my head, hoping hers isn't swelling in sync.

I try to keep up with various industry goings on. Had no idea he owns a restaurant in this part of the States though?

"Actually, it's Albany. The Al is pronounced as in pal. But please, just call me Benny. And it's a pleasure to meet you too, Chef Ramsay."

"An unusual name?"  He prompted, pouring me a glass of water.

"And it's just, Gordon....Benny."

"Thank you, Chef. My parents strange sense of humour I'm afraid. They named us kids after the places we were born. Cubby was born in Bencubbin, Boo was a Mukinbudin kid."

He's chuckling now.

"But spare a thought for poor Lackie. How would you like to go through life with the moniker of 'Doodlakine'?  I got lucky....just plain old Albany for me."

"And the Cooper part?"

"The name of whatever street the caravan was parked in when our ugly mugs presented themselves."

That got him going again. Think I hear laughter coming from the next room once more.

"You came up from Miami for this interview I understand. Good flight?"

"I suppose it will be once it gets off the ground"  I read his confused face.

"Hurricane. The airport was shut down late afternoon yesterday. Just after I got the call from Ashley."

"So how did you get from Miami to here?"

"Borrowed my Pop's Jeep."

"But that's like....a twelve-hour drive?"  He spluttered incredulously while I just shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly.

"Fourteen with pit stops and pauses for the wet conditions. But that's nothing to us Aussies. We'll travel just as far for a good footy game or a decent meat pie. Was a bit worried I might arrive late though. Just made it with minutes to spare."

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