Chapter 12 - Bit Of A Dill

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Both Greg and Ash leapt to their feet. As I went ass over tit and almost crashed through the drywall.

Then they both cracked up.

"Little help maybe?"  I growl, trying to get my backside off the floor.

They untangle me and I make it to my feet. Fling the hair out of my face before righting my chair and settling back in it again.

Now I just need to close my eyes for a minute. Until my head, breathing and pounding heart settle as well.

Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world....why the fuck did she have to apply for a job in mine?

"Norm...."  Greg's voice broke through as Ashley came back into the office.

He'd gone next door to apologise.

"....isn't that the girl who laid you out....back in New York?"

Can't do anything other than nod back at him.

"Oooweeee!  So that's the chef who sucker-punched the boss, eh? Man, to be so lucky"  Ash peered at the monitor screen.

"Wouldn't have guessed it in a million years. Benny was so calm and collected in the kitchen. And the only one who smiled while they worked."

"You think your head is made of glass, Sunshine? Move it! And will the both of you shut the fuck up? I'm trying to listen here."

I don't need to look at their faces to know they're grinning at each other while rolling their eyes at me.

Albany Cooper Tennyson....

She's got confidence, I'll give her that. Didn't even bat an eyelash meeting Gordo. And here she is chatting away as if she does interviews every day.

An Aussie? 

Aren't they supposed to be like....mad as hatters? They must be. After all, who the hell would name their kid Doodlakine of all things.

We all crack up at that.

"Isn't a crumpet a British ho?"  Ash pondered.

"Think that might be a strumpet. I've got no idea what in hell a crumpet is"  Greg answered.

"SSSSHHHH"  I growl ominously.

"So that's why she sounded a bit vague when I rang her up. Poor girl didn't have a clue what jobs her friend had applied for. At least she's being honest about it"  Ash remarked softly before Greg held up his hand.

"Here we go. Now we'll find out why Gordon was on the fence about her. What? SHE GOT FIRED?  Shit! Andy's done way worse to you, Norm....and he never got the boot for it."

Hearing Greg say that? My guilt flooded in again, ready to drown me this time.

You could've heard a pin drop in our office as we listened to her.

"Her Uncle? He must be a Manager or something?"

Oh, I've got me this feeling he's higher up than a Manager. More like CEO. William Grayson to be precise.

"Well, he's....I mean Gordon's a crafty old dog isn't he? He's already dug up the full story. Just wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth so to speak!"  Ash is in complete awe.

I can tell which way he's leaning. And when Greg spoke, I knew he's convinced as well.

"I like her sense of humour, she's not afraid to take the piss out of herself. Sorry, Norm. I know you're probably worried she'll take another swing at you if you're in close proximity. But I like her....I really like her."

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