Chapter 45 - Don't You Tell Me To Hush....Puppy!

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"What brings you down to the hood? Ooooh, have you made us some morning tea again? Hey, fellas....Benny's here! "

Andy and Norman are standing at the counter doing some paperwork.

Hearing his yell? They both turn as one to gawp at me as I sit on one of the visitor's chairs. Swinging my feet like a naughty kid waiting outside the Principal's office.

"Sorry, Ed....not this time. Unplanned visit. Though I do have a Pound Cake from the QuickTrip in Fairburn? You're welcome to it when I'm done."

I grin up at the huge detective who resembles a Hell's Angel but is a total cupcake underneath.

He was so gentle and courteous to a very shaken Miss Vi. When her handbag was snatched a couple of months ago.

To say a mega thank you, I did a massive bake-up. Brought all the goodies here to the police station.

"Hon, it would be better if it was some of your pastries. But if it can be eaten....we'll take it."

"So, what brings you down here then? The twins are Ok, aren't they? Saw them on YouTube. How come you weren't there babysitting? I call that a dereliction of duties, Ma'am."

"They're fine and I was there but otherwise occupied. Hey, can we do a swap? You give us our two inmates back....and take the Misses into custody instead? A couple of days behind bars, they might turn over a new leaf?"

He stared down at me in total disbelief before we both burst into laughter. if that transformation is ever  gonna happen.

"So, who have we got of yours then? Are you consorting with known felons?"

"No. Ben's consorting with me."

Neither of us noticed Norman until he came to a growling stop. When I stood, he slid an arm around my waist and pulled me slowly to him. His grip is crushing.

Oh....for goodness sake! Please tell me he's not....?

Luckily Ed didn't pick up on it. Instead, he just about fainted in delight.

"Oh wow, Norman Reedus! Seen you around town but never....Jeez I love your show man. Only seen two episodes so far, but fuck....I crave your bikes. And my wife loves you. I mean....the other you."

"Hey....would it be rude if I asked for a photo? Nelson, can you take it?"

By now the foyer is crowded with police officers and when they notice Andy as well? It's like being back at the convention. Except this time, it's a bunch of big boofy guys who are the excited fans.

I got crowded out and spot Greg and Ash being led out from the lockup. They start signing their release papers at the counter.

"Hey, missed all the fun!"

Ash grabbed hold of me and we looked on. As Greg shook hands and gave his thanks to....the Police Chief?

"Didn't know if we could rustle up the money for bail in time? So I got these for you just in case."

The Chief hooted with laughter when I handed Greg the pound cake. Complete with a rasp file tucked underneath.

He groaned and shook his head in embarrassed resignation whilst Ash cacked himself laughing.

Seems like a couple of hours in the slammer hasn't dampened his sense of humour.


"See you later, Ben. Thanks for the cake! Catch you soon, Norm!"  Ed yelled.

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