Chapter 10

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Sting's POV

"Sting-kun! Wake up! Let's go shopping with the team!!!" Lector yelled in my ear. Having the senses of a Dragon,  Lector's voice nearly shattered my eardrums. Opening my eyes and wincing against the shrill ringing in my ear from the aftermath of  Lector's scream, I mumbled a yes before sliding out of bed.

Lector can be scary when he's overexcited...ugh, my head's still spinning from that yell.

Twenty minutes later, Yukino, Rogue, our exceeds and I stepped into Magnolia's bustling shopping district, trying to find a shop to start our browsing. "Where should we start? I so excited!!!" Yukino squealed. "I-I don't really mind..." Rogue mumbled in response.

As long as you're with me, heeheehee. I silently added in my mind.

Soon, we weaved through the thick haze of shoppers, while Rogue and I were trying to fend off the fangirls. Yukino had already gotten a huge heap of clothes, and was in the midst of finding more.

Sigh...this is going to be one long day...

By the time Yukino rounded up her last buys, the sun stained the once blue sky soft orange-red hue. Rogue and I were drained of energy, our souls literally floating above our heads. The fangirls have disappeared, thankfully, while Lector and Froch were asleep in our laps.

How I wish Kasumi was here...

A blush gave my cheeks a pink tinge when an image of Kasumi popped up in my mind. As hard as I tried to push it back into my other daydreams, it stayed in my head stubbornly, as if trying to imprint her image onto my sight. It was getting rather late, and I wonder if I could possibly meet her on the way back to the guild hall. She did tell me about being a student in a prestigious magic school, and she helps out with her friend's magic after curriculum time.

I wish we could spend more time together...if only I could remember what name her school was...WAIT. Am I stalking her?!?!?!?!?!?!?

"I'm done! Let's get back to the guild hall!" Yukino announced, holding two armfuls of colourful shopping bags, while Rogue graciously offered to help her carry them. While Yukino was looking away, I took the chance to flash Rogue a heart shape with my hands, smiling at the cute couple and ignoring the dark aura radiating from Rogue.

♡ time skip ♡

Since stars were already beginning to show on the navy blue sky, we decided to take the shortcut back to the guild. As we walked past the dark alley, a harsh whisper entered my ears.

"Give us your jewels, or else..."

I whipped around, spying Rogue looking the same direction as me too. Giving him a slight nod, I rushed off to the source of that voice while Rogue told Yukino, Lector and Froch to get back to the guild before following me.

Rounding the corner, I saw around twenty thugs surrounding two girls that were wearing school uniforms. The redhead was cowering in fear, while the other bluenette was strangely calm.

Hold on...cerulean blue hair...KASUMI?!?!??!?!?!??!?!

Shocked, I gave a mental yell before my rage started to bubble. How dare those nobodies speak to her like that!

Why wasn't she fighting back?

All of a sudden, I remembered Kasumi telling me about how she couldn't use her full power in front of the school mates due to them finding out her identity as a Fairy Tail wizard. I grinned at Rogue, who responded with a ghost of a smile on his face.

"You idiots just messed with the wrong people!" I growled before shouting, "White Dragon's Roar!" White light shot out of my mouth, followed by a blast of familiar shadows. "Shadow Dragon's Roar!" Rogue echoes.

Clearing about half the thugs at once, Kasumi spun around, her eyes widened in surprise.

"Sting?! What on earth are you doing here?" She whisper-shouted at me. I flashed my signature smirk at her and gave her a half-hearted shrug before knocking out another gangster with my bare fists.

Get Rose out of here first, then we'll settle these idiots together!

Kasumi's voice called out to me. Nodding at her, I shouted at Rogue to get the other girl away. While they rushed off, Kasumi cracked her knuckles menacingly, her eyes hidden by the shadows.

"This'll teach you to mess with a Fairy Tail wizard..." She growled. Looking up, her once sapphire orbs were now ruby red, and her cerulean blue hair had red streaks.

Oh no...she's angry...

The once cocky guys now cowered in fear. "F-Fairy T-Tail?! You're a Fairy Tail wizard?!" Their leader trembled like a leaf.

The next moment, we were shrouded in darkness.

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