So, I'm Not Dead After All...

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Hello, people:)

Okay, first things first, I'm so sorry for disappearing for quite a long period of time! Trust me, I know how it feels when an author practically vanishes off the face of Earth...

Yep, guilty as charged. 😔

It's exam season at my school now, and it will continue till the 10th of October. Paired with the worst writer's block I've ever had, finishing a chapter with 200+ words is pretty much impossible for me...

Again, I'm sorry!😣

I will be updating ASAP around the 11th to the 13th of October, so please give me a little more of your amazing patience!

Thank you so much, guys! :')

Also, now that I look back at the first few chapters that I wrote, the format, tone and especially the chapter length is super different! It's so weird how I've changed in my writing these past months :p

Btw my story can be submitted for the Wattys 2019, so I did! It probs won't get shortlisted, but who cares? lol;)

Finally, I just realised that it has been one year since I started this book! I began writing on a whim last year, August...

Happy 1 Year Anniversary,
Kasumi And Sting!

[Next up: A continuation of the Ice Giants Arc!]

It's Kenzie, signing out!


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