Chapter 20~FIA Camp Arc: Part 3

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Seeing her lean back and close her eyes, I slip out of my seat opposite Kasumi and slide in beside her.

Laying my head down on her shoulder, I take a deep breath, inhaling her intoxicating scent. In the midst of her usual floral perfume was the faint whiff of a Dragon.

My mate.

You smell nice~♡

That's kinda weird...

I watch her slowly open her intriguing sapphire orbs and cuddle closer to me.

Aww...why not? I am your mate~

Yeah...I'm glad.

Me too, Kasumi.

She smiles, maybe she's recalling a fond memory. I nearly get lost in her deep, blue eyes when the controller announces through the speakers,

"Onibus Station."

As the train approaches the platform, I quickly get our luggage from the overhead chute. Tugging on her hand, we step off the train just as it stops at the station.

We stroll to the house, or rather the mansion of our client, who was the Mayor of the town.

"This brings back memories! I remember fighting Eisenwald in this town with Team Natsu, almost a year ago!" Kasumi laughed, stretching out her slender arms.

"Eisenwald?" I queried.

"Yup, it's a dark guild. You probably wouldn't know it, because Fairy Tail annihilated it that time. They wanted to use a flute called Lullaby with Death Magic to kill the guild masters, but we managed to stop them!" She beamed.


Finally reaching the mansion, I pressed the doorbell. Soon, the door was opened by a middle aged woman, whom I guessed is the helper from her black and white maid outfit.

"You must be the wizards from Sabertooth. Please follow me, Mr Irving is waiting in the living room." She nodded to us, leading the way to the living room.

Trailing behind her, I see many portraits of the Mayor, and notice Kasumi looking at them as well. The many poses of the Mayor seemed to remind her of someone. (Ichiya alert!)

"Ah, Mdm Ambrose, thank you for bringing in the guests. Please, dear wizards, take a seat." A high-pitched voice was heard.

Looking at the Mayor, I nearly laugh out loud when I see him in person. Unlike the tall, masculine and majestic man the portraits proclaim him to be, Mr Irving was completely different.

Though he wore the same navy blue suit and white shirt as the man in the portrait, he was as stout as the man was tall. He stood in what he thought was a dominating posture, but made me think of a male walrus rearing up for a fight. His thinning hair was emphasised even further by his receding hairline and a toad-like physique. This poor first impression was worsened by his mismatch of voice and body, and I can barely keep myself from looking away.

Oh god, I feel like throwing up...

You'll just have to deal with it. You WERE the one who picked the job, Sting.


"Now, I'm sure you have read the full details. So I just have one question...Who is she?!" He yelled accusingly, pointing a stubby finger at Kasumi.

"I'm Kasumi Dreyer, a student at the Fiore Imperial Acedemy. We have a magic camp in association with the Sabertooth guild, so we tag along on jobs." She spoke primly, her face stoic and emotionless.

"You must be crazy to tag along on a S-class quest!" He screamed, while Kasumi's eyes were shadowed by her long bangs. I could feel her magic power rising fast, showing her fury.

"Would you like a demonstration?" Her voice was colder than before.


Nodding, Mr Irving brought forward ten masked soldiers with a flick of his pudgy wrist. Part of the wall opened to show a magic training hall.

Standing up soundlessly, she shed her blazer, walking to the battle area. Once Kasumi stepped in, an anti-magic barrier blocked us away.


The soldiers surrounded her, holding out their staffs. All at once, beams of compressed Ethernano shot out, hitting Kasumi and creating a wall of dust.

"How weak." Mr Irving deadpanned. I shook my head slowly, letting out a soft chuckle.

Out of the dust, a silhouette appeared. Kasumi smiled mirthlessly, yandere eyes showing beneath her cerulean bangs.

"That was a nice meal, thank you."

Beads of cold sweat formed on the Mayor's forehead. "Wha-what the hell is s-she?!" He screeched.

"Lend me your power, Blade Dragon, Kyrial..." Kasumi whispered. Suddenly, her tone changed to a yell.

"Tearing Roar Of The Blade Dragon!"

Sharp slashes flew out of her Roar, cutting at the soldiers and crashing into the magic barrier, creating a blinding light to emit from the wall.

When we slowly open our eyes, our mouths hung agape. All the soldiers were down on the floor, motionless. The barrier itself was already cracked like a spider's web, and the hall's floor and walls were decorated with large gashes.

Walking to the barrier, she stared at the crisscrossed lines for a few moments. Raising a finger, she gave a quick tap on the wall, then took a few paces backwards. Within seconds, the barrier collapsed into miniscule fragments, littering the marbled floor.

Walking out, the only sound was the 'click-clack' of her heeled dress shoes. She neared him, and the Mayor started to tremble. She was merely inches away from him when she stopped, looking at him with a death glare a thousand times scarier than Erza's.

"Don't ever speak of me like that again, or the person I eliminate after the bandits..." She let the words sink in. "Is you, Mr Irving."

"Hyaaaaaa!!!!!" He screeched, before slumping down in a puddle of sweat.

Stalking away, she shot me a smile. "Let's go!"

I have a feeling that she's worse than Mirajane...and that wasn't even her anger at it's peak...

A grin spread across my face.



She may be scary, petrifying or frightening, even overpowered, but she's still Kasumi, she's still my mate.

The one that brings colour to my life.

My Kasumi.

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