Chapter 29~FIA Camp Arc: Part 12

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I was running, panting heavy breaths that burned my lungs and stole the oxygen from my bloodstream.

Rose-chan! Rose! Please, be okay, please!

I gritted my teeth as I increased my speed, leaving Natsu in my wake as I activated Vernier.

"Just release me, and I'll protect your dear friend. Just give in to the power..."

I froze, struggling to keep my legs moving while the voice chilled me to the very core.

At all times...why now?

I closed my eyes, trying to block it out.

"Just give in, let the power take over..."

Just a little bit longer...Rose-chan, wait for me!

The roars were getting louder now, and I sense Celestial Magic, as well as Rogue's shadows.

Lucy. Yukino. Rogue. Benji. Rose.

I knew that Rogue could handle himself just fine, but I was most worried about my timid friend.

Please be alright, Rose!

Finally, I reached their position, pushing all my power into a single punch that ripped through the nearest enemy's gut.

Shock ran through me like a jolt of electricity as I saw the true face of the attackers.

Standing up to three storeys tall, nearly fifty demons blocked every single exit of the pavement, locking the five wizards within the tight circle they made.

Rogue, though having little injuries on him, was breathing heavily as most of him magic power was expended. Lucy and Yukino looked worse for wear as they strained themselves to keep their spirits in the human world.

Letting loose a Roar that tore through a few more demons, the exhausted wizards are quickly alerted of my presence as hope flickers in their eyes.

Rounding up the back was Natsu and Sting, followed by Gray. Wasting no time in demolishing the demons, we quickly get to work with protecting the city.

This is no time to hide my magic now.

But then, I heard an all too familiar scream.

"ROSE!" Whipping around, I see her being sucked into a Teleportaion Magic Circle with the rest of the escaping demons.

With wind powering the soles of my feet, I blast forward to grasp her hand as she was about to disappear into the Magic Circle.

Our fingertips touched for a millisecond, before she was gone.

"Ahh...see what you've done? You lost her. If you had just used the power in you, she could've been saved."

I was too late.

I couldn't save my friend.

With my magic, I couldn't save her!

I gave in.

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I could feel power rising steadily within me as my true magic curled itself around my clenched fists.

I couldn't hear Natsu and Sting calling me as my legs moved by themselves, taking me further from their position.

Guilt ignited a new passion that made my limbs move faster, twisting and constricting my heart.

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