Side Story: Remembrance (Part 4)

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"Your what?!" I repeated, not knowing if I heard the mythical being correctly.

"My daughter, yes." Spherenial smiled, while the two males behind her gasped.

"Your Majesty, you should reconsider!" One of the advisors--a redhead--urged, as he cast accusing golden eyes on me.

"I'm afraid I agree with Vol, Your Majesty, it is an ancient rule that Dragons can never meddle in the affairs of humans, much less take one in as your successor!" The black-haired male argued, his coal grey eyes flashing with anger at Spherenial's abrupt decision.

"Your Majesty," He hissed, golden eyes brimming with rage. "I urge you to reconsider. That measly human can never bear our powers. She'll merely succumb to the Magic and self destruct."

The redhead--Vol, I believe his name was--stepped forward, his skin glowing with crimson tattoos that resembled lava with similarly hued wings and a tail sprouting from behind him, but Spherenial didn't even flinch.

Instead, she growled, her dark blue wings unfurling to reach either sides of the cave, showing their iridescent undersides glimmering with colours of the rainbow. Sizing Vol up, her voice became dangerously low as a wicked glint flickered in her eyes.

"Oh? You would dare to challenge me, Vol? I wonder...who's the Queen here?" Spherenial questioned, her voice venomous. "As an adviser, you should know too well not to anger your superior, no?"

Vol started to snarl, a low sound in the depths of his oesophagus, but his irises shrunk to slits and he backed down, head bowed in defeat, wings closed.

Spherenial smirked in victory.

"Now then, Aranial, would you like to challenge me as well?" She cast her draconic eyes onto the ravenette.

"N-no, Your Majesty." He mumbled, lowering his eyes.

"Anyways," Spherenial continued with an air of indifference, her demeanour changing from rage to ease as she folded in her broad wings. "Why be a Queen when you can't change the rules? I was the one who made them, y'know."

I find myself instantly liking her.

Aranial sighed, his previous anger disappearing. "As you wish, Your Majesty."

Spherenial nodded haughtily, turning up her nose at the two with victory all written on her face. Waving her clawed hand at them, she said,"Alright, you may take your leave."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." They grumbled, Vol skulking out of the cave with Aranial following behind.

"Oh, and Vol?" The redhead glanced back at her. Spherenial smirked. "Since this is the fifth temper tantrum you've thrown this month, you are hereby assigned to washing the dishes this entire week. Have fun, Volcanion."

The air was soon filled with curses that I couldn't hear due to Spherenial covering my ears.

"That idiot! Speaking such vile language in front of a child!" She hissed, but then a grin broke across her face. "You'll learn those when you're older, anyway."

I sweatdropped.

"Now then," She smiled, and I caught a glimpse of her sharp canines. "Before we start, I need to ask you something, Kasumi."

I look at her expectantly.

"If I promise you that you can grow stronger, much stronger than you already are now, would you want that power?"


I closed my eyes, and an image of Makarov Dreyer's assassination request flashes across my vision.

"Yes. I want to grow stronger," I answered, clenching my fists as Ivan's sneering face flashed across my vision.

For a moment, Spherenial frowned. 'This child...her hatred is overwhelming. If she uses my power for vengeance, she will give in to the darkness within her.'

"So that I can protect the ones I treasure the most."

Spherenial smiled widely. 'Maybe not.'

Her warm hands ruffled my hair gently, eyes brimming with affection.

"Then let's get you started."


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