Chapter 33

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▪️Kasumi ▪️

"Eh?! Natsu and Gray on the same job?!" My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "But that's impossible! Those two fight like cats and dogs!"

"But it's true. It seems that the job had requested the both of them, and only the two of them." Levi-chan replied calmly, dipping into the steaming water beside me. "Well, and Happy, since Natsu wouldn't leave him behind."

"He didn't even bring Lucy along, huh." I leaned on the warm ceramic rim of the tub, draping my arms over to reach for my towel.

"I declined." Lucy said curtly, her face flushed red from the steaming bath. "I really wanted a day off to relax in the bath house."

"Mmm...understandable." I murmured, exhaling gently as my tense muscles relaxed in the water.

It was kinda like a 'girls day out' for us, and we were going to spend the night in Levi-chan's room in Fairy Hills. The bath here is huge, enough for at least all the girls in Fairy Tail.

"Anyways," Lucy and Levi-chan harmonized, grinning deviously. I figured something was up immediately. They pointed to the white diamond on my neck. "Did Sting give you that mark?"

I knew it.

"Yeah." I drawled, feeling that there was no need to keep it a secret anymore. was hardly a secret after everyone at Sabertooth found out from a certain loud mouthed Master. "We're mates."

They squealed, exuberantly high-fiving and sending water splashing everywhere while screaming 'I knew it!'.

Ahhh...can't I just have one day to relax?

Rising from the warm embrace of the water, I stepped out of the noisy bath to dry myself.

Now that we're mates, my yearning for Sting is even stronger, making my heart ache with longing. I touched the scale on my neck, sighing softly as I felt the magic pulsating off it.

Sting's magic.

I miss you, mate.


"It's been three days. Natsu and Gray are not back yet?" Erza queried, her eyebrows furrowing. Wendy nodded while we lounged at Lucy's house.

"It's just the simple job of slaying a monster in a nearby village, so what's taking them so long?"

"You worried?" I replied lazily, reaching for a blueberry macaron. "Nah, they'll be fine, Erza. They're probably fighting in the forest instead of returning home."

"Most likely." Lucy agreed, picking up another one of the sweet treats Erza and Wendy brought back as their reward. "More importantly, how did you guys get into my house?!"

"Window." Wendy smiled apologetically.

"Chimney." Erza didn't even look guilty.

"Door." I answered. "You let me in, Lucy."

The blonde sighed. "Why do I even bother anymore..."

"Anyway, should we go find 'em? Gramps will be livid if they're not back soon. Many people have been asking for the both of them to do jobs." I pushed myself up from the sofa, dusting the sweet crumbs off my shirt. "It's because of the Grand Magic Games that Fairy Tail has become so popular, especially those two idiots."

"Alright." Erza nodded. "Just let me get my luggage. I'll just be a minute."

Thirty minutes later, she finally entered Magnolia train station.



"I was right..." I deadpanned.

The twin idiots we're panting heavily, their bodies covered in black and blue.

Happy wheezed as Wendy healed him, "They've been at it for three days straight, only pausing for food and sleep. It's a nightmare!"

I shook my head. Why am I not surprised?

"C'mon, Natsu, Gray. Let's get back to the guild and enjoy some sweets." Erza soothed, and I thought that everything would go smoothly.

Key word, 'thought'.

But then, I heard them shout "Don't get in our way!" before a loud punch sounded. My blood ran cold. Lucy, Wendy and Carla looked just as mortified.

Did they just...

"You must be feeling very brave today, Natsu...Gray..."

They really did it, those idiots.

"What the hell is Erza doing here?!"

"Prepare to die!"


They really punched Erza.


"And here I was thinking that they had matured a little. They never learn, eh?" Macao laughed at the beaten up boys throwing a tantrum in the guild hall. I shook my head and sighed.

"You got that right, Macao."

"Master! We have a new job request!" Mirajane called to Gramps, waving a sheet of paper in the air.

"What is it this time--!" He gasped, and he started shaking.

"What's the problem, Gramps?" I frowned as I made my way to him.

"This job asks for Natsu, Gray and Kasumi." He stated, eyes narrowed in seriosity. But before the idiots could argue, Gramps silenced them with a chilling glare. "You will go as a team, and you will behave."

"Because the sender of this request is none other than..."

"The Fourth Wizard Saint,
Warrod Sequen."


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