Chapter 17

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Media: Kasumi's Water Dragon Outfit


"Will you let us see a performance of your magic? Please? Onee-chan!" The young girl tugging at my skirt, her indigo orbs pleading.

"Okay!" I gave her a bright, close-eyed smile and heard Sting agree to the boy as well.

"Guys! Since these two children requested, we'll be performing a small show of our magic!!" I hollered to the guild members. A brief wave of mutterings passed before everyone settled down.

Wading into the shallows, I feel the cool seawater lap at my shins. Nodding to Sting, who was standing on the soft sand, I whispered, "Water dragon form: Levian!"

Soft blue light engulfed me.

My clothing changed into a semi-translucent admiral blue dress that ruffled from waist down. Both of the thin straps were secured in two butterfly knots. My hair was tied in two ponytails with teal hued flower hairbands. Finally, azure blue scales adorned the sides of my face, as well as parts of my body.

The light disappeared, showing my new form. Being the shy girl I was, I never showed off my magic to others, so all the Fairy Tail members were shell-shocked.

The children--whose names were Kylie and Kaden--clapped, awe showing in their eyes.

"I'm not even started!" I laughed. Now comes the real show. I smirked.

"Storm Dragon's Hurricane Fang!"

"Holy Ray!"

Our attacks combined, making a sparkling dragon burst out of the water spinning and writhing in the air, as if it were alive. A series of awe-struck gasps were heard from the crowd, and a few passers-by were attracted to the show.

"White Dragon's Roar!"

"Water Dragon's Holy Fountain!"

Streaks of water curl around Sting's Roar, eventually combining and erupting into dazzling fireworks.

"Water Dragon's Arctic Geyser!"

"White Dragon's Wing Attack!"

Explosions of water flew up to meet Sting, swirling with his Wing Attack and spun into a glowing infinity sign in the sky when he released his attack.

Finally, I changed into another form. My previous clothes turned into a strapless, arctic blue corktail dress with separate bell-bottomed sleeves tied with two short, blue ribbons. My hair and eyes were icy blue. "Ice Dragon Form: Caelium!"

Another round of applause.

"Dragon Slayer Secret Art! Ultimate Weapon: Sky-Piercing Spear!" I yell, my palm directing a spear of ice
into the sky, where I had kept Sting afloat with Vernier. Now soaring down to meet my attack, he raised his fist.

"Dragon Slayer Secret Art! Holy Nova!"

His fist connected with my ice, causing a huge explosion to shake the ground. When everyone lowered their defence positions, their eyes widened in surprise.

Snowflakes made of a gleaming white light slowly floated down, filling the beach with a relaxing, pearl hued light. Enthralled, Kylie and Kaden reached out to touch the snowflakes, flinching slightly at the coldness before the light melted in their hands.

After five minutes, the glow in the air died down, giving rise to a round of standing ovations. Suddenly noticing the large group of spectators, I flashed a look of shock and surprise at Sting, who was just as stupefied.

Oh well...

"Onee-chan, onii-chan! You're amazing!" The two children gushed, giving us a tight embrace.

"I didn't know that Kasumi had so many forms of dragon slayer magic! Although she kinda reminds me of a certain armoured wizard..." Lucy giggled.

Scratching the back of my head shyly, I shifted back to my casual clothes. I waved goodbye to Kylie and Kaden, seeing Sting do the same as well. A sudden thought popped into my mind.

I wonder how Sting would be like as a husband and a father...

The very thought made me blush a million shades of red. Quickly busying myself with helping the others clear the barbecue area, I tried to hide the prominent blush on my face.

♡ time skip ♡

Finally, the day was over. Absent-mindedly fondling my new crystal earring, I shuffled back to our room with Sting's arm slung across my shoulder. After I changed into a cream coloured nightgown, I curled up on the soft bed, the arms of darkness that reach out to me were comforting and warm.


Scrunching up my face when a beam of sunlight hits my closed eyes, I try to go back to sleep, but fail. Opening my ocean blue orbs, I slowly get up--or I tried to.

What the--?

Holding me down were a pair of muscular arms, and they tightened around my waist upon my sudden movement. Leaning back down onto the fluffy pillow, I felt him cuddle closer, his blonde locks rubbed up against my blue ones, and his breath tickled the skin on my neck. I blushed a light strawberry before moving into his arms, pressing my ear to his chest. His heartbeat was even, a soothing rhythm to my finely tuned senses. I was getting sleepy...

"Good morning~" Sting groggily mumbled into my neck, making me jolt awake. I tried to get away from his iron grasp, but failed miserably.

Opening his lapis blue eyes, he nuzzled even closer, giving me a kiss on my nape before finally letting go of me. I stretch out my limbs before climbing out of bed, walking to the bathroom with my boyfriend.

Ah...this is pure bliss...

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