Chapter 26~FIA Camp Arc: Part 9

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I spot Kasumi in her shadow form, slipping away to our room unnoticed. I would've tried to chase after her if my side didn't hurt as bad as it did, and boy did it hurt!

A slip of the mouth and a beam of rainbows crush me, propelling me to the other end of the dining room.

Well, she isn't called the Dragon Queen for nothing. That hurt more than Natsu-san's Secret Art AND the dragons from the Eclipse Gate combined...

Snapping out of my thoughts, I brace against the pain and squeeze out of the worried people surrounding me, quickly making my way to my room. Partly to get Kasumi to heal me, and partly to issue the punishment for nearly killing me like that...

time skip

I sneak into the room, making sure that Kasumi was the only one inside, also checking for any suspicious shadows lurking at the corners.

Once I confirmed that we were alone, I crept up to the side of her bed. With a sudden battle cry, I pounce onto Kasumi, my fingers finding the sides of her waist.

Almost immediately, she was awake with a squeal, uncontrollable guffaws escaping her lips from my tickling.

Heh, that's what you get for interrupting me!

After a while, she was sprawled out on the messy duvet, panting heavily. I flop down beside her, my breathing as harsh as hers.

Locking eyes with her, we burst out in a simultaneous fit of laughter, but her voice slowly ebbed away when I wrapped my arms around her waist and lift her up, only setting her down on the deck chair of the balcony.

Sitting down beside her, we look up as a gentle glow illuminated the outdoor area. From it's hiding place behind thick clouds, the moon was revealed like a museum centrepiece, engulfing the darkened world below it with its light. I feel the urge to reach out and touch her, her serene features accentuated by the moonlit night.

I'll mark her tonight. Mark her as mine, and mine only.

My fingertips brighten with magic, and she snaps out of her trance at the sudden light. One look at my face seemed to let her understand, and her fingertips too ignited with hues of the rainbow. Finally, our digits connected, bursts of power swirling and flowing like electricity.

The jolt of energy was so strong, rippling through my entire body like the tall waves of the ocean. But it represented the strength of our bond, and our magic flowing side by side.

Leaning down, my canines bite into the skin of the side of her neck, while her similar fangs graze mine. Sparks of brightness sizzle and pop, engraving a white, diamond-shaped scale onto Kasumi's neck.

Breaking away, I survey my work of art on my--now--official mate with a smirk, feeling a spread of warmth on my nape where Kasumi's scale lay at the same time.

You're mine now, and you'll always be.

⏳time skip⏳

After we slipped into bed,--separate beds, much to my disappointment--I touched the iridescent scale in the shape of two triangles, one facing up while the other below it and facing downwards.

I close my eyes. Kasumi's scent was much more prominent to me, standing out from other smells like a trail of rainbow.

Just when I was about to drift to sleep, the door slammed open, and four laughing people tumble in.

Kasumi and I groggily get up, and I could detect her foul mood from being waken up twice now.

Whoops. My bad.

While Benji and Rose were chatting merrily--which came as a surprise as I heard about the superiority complex in Kasumi's school--, Rogue and Yukino sat on the edge of my bed, telling me about the things I had missed in our absence.

...And Rogue immediately asks me about the mark on my neck, causing Kasumi to disappear beneath her sheets to escape the interrogation.

However, her shelter didn't last long. Within seconds, Yukino scoots over, prodding and poking at her cloaked form. Suddenly, she slips away, the only trace of her was a dark shadow. But I could see one very distinct white diamond on her shadow, and Rogue saw it too, flashing a knowing smile at me.

Rose and Benji look at us, confused at both our actions and where on Earthland Kasumi vanished to.

A smile creeps onto my face when I think of Kasumi--no...

My one and only,
My rainbow,
My mate.

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