Chapter 22~FIA Camp Arc: Part 5

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My ears caught a hurried whisper escaped from Kasumi's mouth,

"Not now."

Frowning slightly, I asked, "Hmm?"

She brushed it off quickly, and I didn't persist. After all, even if it was important, Kasumi would be sure of the right time and place to tell me about it. I smiled at her, assuring Kasumi that I trusted her. To my relief, she grinned back, her eyes sparkling.

"I smell Rogue and his partner..." Her nose twitched in the air quaintly, and there was a slight tinge of amusement in her voice.

I sniffed the air as well, and sure enough, I could feel their presence on the pavement just opposite ours. Quickly hiding behind a maple tree while pulling Kasumi with me, I craned my neck to see what they were doing.

"Rogue-san, are you sure the monsters are here?"


"Rogue-san, this is the park!"




Both of us sweatdropped, feeling a pang of sympathy for the shadow dragon slayer.


I wondered what monsters they were talking about, and was about to ask Kasumi when I spotted Rogue staring at the tree we were standing behind.

Crap. He smelt us out.

"Seems like he knows that we're here." Kasumi giggled, looking at me with that 'Busted!' face.

Giving her a playful glare, I let her drag me out of our hiding place. With a sheepish grin, we apologise for stalking them. Rogue looked at us with a deadpan, while his partner--we found out that his name was Benji--was extremely surprised.

"I didn't know that you guys took a job in Onibus too!" I greeted, and Kasumi bowed politely.

That's weird, she doesn't do that when she's with us.

This is called for in our school. I don't have a choice...


She must've sensed my doubt, informing of her royalty-like politeness. I shake my head at the weird traditions of the school.

No wonder that school doesn't like Fairy Tail. It's the very epitome of grace and mannerisms!

Clearing my thoughts about Kasumi's school, I queried, "What monsters are you guys fighting?"

"Forest Vulcans."

Kasumi looked unimpressed. "That's it?"

Seeing her reaction, Benji practically hollered, "Are you kidding?! Vulcans are super strong! Don't think that you can beat one just because you got higher marks than Miss Gabrielle in Gym!!"

Miss Gabrielle?

The one that nearly shattered the windows in Saber.

Ohhh...the fangirl?


A sudden scent infiltrated the air, making me stop in the midst of replying Kasumi.


Kasumi and Rogue must have noticed, because they were screaming at the park visitors to evacuate immediately. Benji was still stunned when a huge purple fist slammed him into a tree.

"Benji!" Rogue shouted, slightly worried.

Thank goodness Lector and Frosch are with Yukino.

When Benji flashed us a weary smile, we nodded and turned our attention back to the herd of Vulcans crashing down on Onibus park.

Kasumi looked at the now unconscious Benji, quickly healing him upon a split-second decesion.

"Half each?" I smirked at my raven-haired partner.

"Yeah." He returned the smirk, shadows lingering on his fingertips.

"Holy Ray!"

"Shadow Dragon's Waxwing Attack!"

We knocked out a few, around a quarter of the beasts, but the others kept coming.

"White Dragon's Roar!"

"Shadow Dragon's Roar!"

We combined our roars for a boost in power, doing in a couple more.

Finally, we finished the remaining ones with our special attack.

"Unison Raid: Holy Shadow Dragon Fang Flash!"

Seeing the last of the Vulcans topple, we heaved a sigh of relief. Most of our magic power has been used up, making us slightly exhausted.

That's when I caught the scent of something else.

This can't be...

The deafening roar echolating through the trees proved my hunch correct.


A second later, half of the trees came crashing down upon us, making us shied ourselves. Awaiting the impact that never came, Rogue and I lower our arms, gaping at the sight in front of us.

"Requip: Light Goddess Armour!"

"Absolute Defence: Light Shield." A whisper resonated around the twenty-five metre radius of light surrounding us. The shimmering, silk-like wall glowed and sparkled, stopping the fallen trees in their tracks.

I was stunned. Before me was the most mesmerising figure I had ever seen. However, the wisps of cerulean blue locks floating in her god-like aura told me who the girl was.


"Wow..." Rogue murmured, his eyes wide and unbelieving.

Even the three, fern green Wyverns seemed enthralled by her. But they weren't in a trance for long. As soon as the barrier was down, they charged, screeching in rage.

"Come, Exodus."

Her expression indifferent, white light glowed in her hand before showing a sword in her grasp.

Racing forward, Kasumi jumped into the air. Bringing down her sword in a flash, she shouted, "Heavenly Judgement: Holy Star!"

With resplendent accuracy, shining slashes that formed a star were drawn across the Wyverns. Just when her armoured feet touched the ground, the beasts fell, kicking up huge clouds of dust.

She took down three Wyverns as if it was nothing...and all in one move...

Requiped into her previous school uniform (since Benji was there), Kasumi turned back with a smile.

"Well, that was fun!"


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