Chapter 1

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Krist was getting nervous. He didn't know what to do anymore. His boyfriend Singto who he was dating is now ignoring him. He doesn't answer his calls or messages. He tried to meet him at University but Singto just leaves seeing him. He tried speaking to his friends but they didn't know anything.

Krist was sitting in his room. Near the bed. His hair a mess. He was constantly calling Singto. He grabbed his hair in despair. "Please just talk to me. Tell me what did I do wrong." Krist thought.

Knot enetered his room. He was shocked to see Krist like this. His room was a mess. Clothes and books scattered everywhere. He saw Krist crying near the bed. He went to him and held him,"Krist, please just stop torturing yourself. Just forget about him. Stop crying please." Knot begged him.

Krist hugged him and cried more.
"How can I forget my life? My heart? He is my everything Knot. I can't."

"I just want to know what did I do wrong? Why is he punishing me like this? Why Knot?" Krist asked.

Knot said,"You can never do anything wrong. You are the most handsome and the most kind hearted guy. You.. "

"Then why is he behaving like this? Why is he ignoring me?" Krist cried.

Knot couldn't answer. He just held him till he stopped crying. Krist had fallen asleep. Knot keot hugging him. After some time he laid him on the bed and covered him with a duvet. He cried looking at him. Krist had become so thin. He was not eating and also not sleeping for sure as he has black circles. He sat beside him for some time. When he was sure that Krist was fast asleep, he called Tew.

"Hi Knot. Missing me?" Tew asked cheerfully. He and Knot were also dating.

"Where is Singto? Do you know why he is ignoring Krist?" Knot asked.

Tew was silent. Knot could make out that Tew knew something. He asked again,"Tew, do you know something?"

"Knot, I think it would be better if Singto tells you himself. I don't want to interfere in his matters. Please Knot. Gotta go." Tew said and cut the call.

Knot looked at his phone and then at Krist."I swear Singto if you hurt Krist anymore I will surely punch you till you die." Knot said and left.

The next morning, Krist was going to his classes. He looked frail and heartbroken. His sweet smile wasnt there. His eyes were swollen from crying. He met Knot near the cafetaria. Knot smiled at him. Krist tried to smile but failed. They stood silent for some time and turned to go to their class. Bright and Prem also joined them.

Bright always joked around them but the past few days watching Krist so devastated. He just couldnt make himself laugh anymore. Prem looked at Krist and clenched his fists. He was angry at Singto. Knot looked at Prem and whispered no. Prem tried to calm down. Knot knew that the only reason he hadn't punched Singto was because of Krist. Singto was still his boyfriend. If they hurted Singto then Krist would hurt too.

As they were going towards their class, they saw Singto sitting with his friends. Krist rushed towards him. He ran fast as he was afraid Singto would runaway. Singto was still sitting when Krist reached him. Krist hugged him tight and said,"Thank God. You are fine. I was scared that something must hace happened to you. What happened? Why didn't you answer my calls?"

Singto stood up and looked at Krist. "I didn't answer you calls because I didn't want to talk to you or hear your voice. I didn't want to see you either but I guess I have to tell you everything so that you can just get off my back."

Krist was confused. "What do you mean?"

"I don't want to be with you anymore. I never loved you. So please stop calling and messaging me. Just forget me ok." Singto said calmly.

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