Chapter 3

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Krist froze hearing Singto's name. He was not ready to face him. He didn't want his past to ruin his present and future. Seeing Krist silent Godt asked,"What happened?"

"You remember I had told you about Singto the guy I met in college?" Krist asked.

"Ya. That asshole who broke up with you. Why?" Godt asked.

"His full name is Singto Prachaya" Krist said.

Godt was shocked. He never imagined that the guy who broke Krist years ago was the CEO he was meeting daily. If he knew earlier he would have never agreed for the contract. But it's all done now. He can't break the contract. He felt awful as Krist would have to meet that guy in future.

Godt looked at Krist. He lowered his eyes and said,"I am sorry Krist. I really didn't know that he was the same Singto. I am very sorry."

"Hey it's ok. You didn't know. You have never seen him before. How could you know? I am ok na." Krist said. He hugged Godt and kissed his chest.

"I don't care about the past anymore. I have you now and I am very thankful to God that he sent you to me. Your love has made me stronger. I love you so much." Krist said.

"I love you too baby. Take a holiday tomorrow. Go meet your friend's. Ok. I will handle the meetings." Godt said. He didn't want Krist to get hurt more. What if Singto tried to hurt him again? He will always protect him no matter what. But he didn't want Krist to remember the past anymore.

"Your love has made me strong. I will come tomorrow to office. I will have to face him someday. I am not a coward to run away. And you are there for me na. You will protect me na?" Krist asked.

"Of course Love. Always. But are you sure? You don't have to meet him. There are others..."

"But I want to. Please Godt let me come." Krist pleaded with his puppy eyes.

Godt laughed. "How can I refuse that face? Hahaha.. ok you can come but promise me that you will tell me if you feel uneasy. You won't let him hurt you."

Krist nodded. He kissed him softly and snuggled closer to him and went to sleep. Godt kissed his forehead and waited for him to sleep. He couldn't sleep as he was worried for Krist. When they had started to date Krist had a hard time trusting him. Knot had told him how badly hurt he was at that time. He didn't want a repeat of that. He would rather break the contract than let Krist get hurt again. He hugged Krist and went to sleep.

The next morning during breakfast Godt again tried to stop Krist from coming to office. He even thought of telling Knot about it but Krist stopped him. After breakfast they went to office. Everyone was ready for the meeting. Godt took Krist to his cabin. Krist looked at him and said,"I am fine. Don't worry na."

Godt hugged him again and kissed him. "You remember your promise right. I want you by my side the whole time. Ok."

Krist laughed. He nodded. He hugged him again and kissed him. The last doesn't matter to him anymore. Krist was content with his life.

Singto arrived with his team. He had New and Wad with him. They went straight to the conference room for the meeting. In the conference room Godt welcomed them and started the presentation. Wad saw Krist and smiled at him. Krist smiled back. New noticed Krist and smiled but Krist ignored him. New whispered to Singto and pointed towards him.

Singto was busy hearing the presentation when New whispered,"Hey look over there."

He looked over to where he had said and was shocked to see Krist sitting there. He was looking handsome like always but he had matured now. But he still had that white skin which mesmerised you. His eyes shined and his cheeks had the pinkish colour. He was still staring at him and praying that Krist recognises him but Krist ignored him. Singto smirked.

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