Chapter 9

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After relaxed 3 days Krist and Godt were back at work. Godt was surprised to see a young giy in his cabin with Laura. Laura looked at Godt and said,"Good morning. How was your trip?"

"It was great. I am so relaxed now. Who is this?" Godt asked pointing towards the guy.

"This is Bas. He will be your assistant. Means he us taking my place. I have already..." Laura was interrupted.

"Hold on. He is taking your place? Why? Are you leaving?" Godt asked confused.

"You forgot. I had told you weeks ago that I will be resigning. I had selected Bas weeks ago and I had also informed you about it. Maybe you forgot." Laura said.

Godt smiled embarassed. Laura had resigned month ago and also she had informed him about Bas but he forgot about it. From the time Singto has appeared all Godt thinks of is Krist. He looked sheepishly at Laura and said,"Sorry I forgot. Let me nake it up to you. Let's have lunch together na. My treat. Bas, you can also join us."

Bas smiled. He was blushing now. He was grateful that he got a job no a great job with a great pay. Also his boss was so handsome. He couldn't stop blushing. He was still looking at Godt and smiling. Godt looked at him and went towards him.

"Welcome Bas. Hope we make a great team. I hope I don't overwork you like Laura did. Don't worry. You can ask anything you want. My name is Godt." He said smiling and shook his hand.

Bas couldn't stop blushing. He shook his hand and said,"My name is Bas. Hope I will be able to work and help you like Laura did."

Godt smiled and went to do his work. Laura took Bas with her and introduced him to everyone. When they reached Krist Laura introduced them.

"Bas, this is Krist. He is our department head. He is also Godt's boyfriend so be careful with them." Laura said smiling.

Bas was shocked. Godt had a boyfriend. He looked at Krist and  tried to smile. Krist laughed at him and said,"Don't take her words seriously. You don't have to be scared of me. Welcome aboard."

Bas looked at him and smiled. He was smiling but in his heart he was alittle upset. He thought that he could have a chance with Godt but after meeting Krist he couldn't come between them. He wasn't a breaker.

After chatting with Krist, Bas returned to Godt's cabin. He was working on his laptop. Bas asked him,"Do you want my help in anything?"

Godt looked at him and said,"You can ask Laura about my schedules and also where has she made reservations. After that you can help me in organising my files."

Bas smiled and went to ask Laura. At lunch time Godt and they went together for lunch. Bas was happy to see Godt with him. When they reached Godt's car, Bas went to sit on the passenger seat. As he was about to open the door Krist came up behind him and sat there. Bas felt bad but didn't show it. The whole time Bas observed Godt and Krist. He smiled often whenever Godt said something.

"So how was your first day?" New asked Bas.

"It was nice. We went to lunch together. Krist was also there. What do you want me to do?" Bas asked.

New had told Bas to apply for a job there. They were friend's but not too close. When Bas was looking for a job he had first applied at New's company but New told him to join Godt. He wanted to ask the reason but New never said much.

"Why did you tell me to join there?" Bas asked again.

"We want you to seduce Godt." Singto said coming into the room.

Bas was shocked. He looked at Singto and then at New. Seduce Godt? How dare they.

"What the hell do you think I am? I wanted a job. I am not going to sell my body for anyone. What the hell?" Bas screamed.

"Calm down. I chose you because you look cute and are beautiful. I am sure Godt won't be able to resist you." Singto said.

"He already has a lover. Krist. Why should I seduce him?" Bas asked

"I want you to seduce him and break them up. You can tell me what amount you want or what you need. I can give you everything. Just do anything. I don't care. I want him to leave my Krist alone." Singto said.

Bas looked at Singto confused. He wanted him to break up Godt and Krist so that he can have Krist for himself.

New looked at Bas and said,"Come on. You saw Godt. He is handsome and manly and rich. If you can seduce him you will get a rich lover. You don't need to work anymore. Just think about it."

"Why do you want to separate two lovers? Krist loves him. How can you decide to break him up?" Bas asked.

"Because he loved me first and I was foolish to lose him before. But now no matter what I will get him back. For that I have to separate them. Godt won't leave him easily so I need you as a distraction." Singto said

Bas was confused. He did like Godt but can he do what Singto said? Can he separate them?

He looked at them and said,"I don't care what you think or want. I will never stoop so low for money. I can never separate them nor can I hurt anyone intentionally. Sorry but I can't."

Singto looked at Bas amd then at New. New sighed and said,"Still think about it. It's not so bad. Singto loves Krist and he will never hurt him..."

"If he loves him so much then why does he want to hurt him like this? Love doesn't mean forcing yourself on the one you love. If you truly love that person let them free. If they come back to you then they belong to you. But if they don't then they were never yours."
Bas said.

Singto was shocked at his words. He left from there. He couldn't think of saying anything. He did feel bad thinking that what he was planning is going to hurt Krist. Maybe more than he did. But he just wanted to prove to Krist that Godt doesnt love him enough. Is he wrong?

New came behind him and said,"Sing, I think he is right. We shouldn't force him to break them up. I know that you love Krist alot but if you intentionally harm Krist, he will never forgive you again. You can lose him again and this time it would be forever. Think about it."

Singto just looked at New and nodded. Maybe they are right. He shouldn't do that. Maybe he should just wait patiently. Like what Bas said. If Krist is destined to be his then he will come back to him no matter what. He will wait for Krist.

Bas was sitting on a couch and thinking about Singto. He had never seen anyone so obsessed. He can never do what he said. He just wants a job to support himself not to hurt someone. He did like Godt he wouldn't lie but he was taken and he would never think of stealing him. Never.

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