Chapter 16

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Krist was restless. He couldn't shake the absurd thought from his mind. He wanted to know more about the accident. He had got an absurd thought that maybe Singto paid someone to do the accident. He didn't know why he was thinking like this. He couldn't sleep at night. He was not able to concentrate at work too. Bas saw him worried and did ask him but Krist refused to tell him anything. Bas didn't have any other option  but to tell Knot about it. He was sure that whatever the problem was Knot would be able to help him better.

Knot went to meet Krist after some day's. Krist was surprised to see him. They went for lunch. Knot could see that Krist looked much tired and exhausted. He asked him,"You are not taking care of yourself. Why are you looking so worried and tired?"

Krist sighed. He didn't know whether he should tell him or not. He was still thinking when Knot said,"You can tell me anything. You can trust me."

Krist nodded. He took a deep breath and said,"I don't know how to say this but I can't stop worrying. Can you tell me about the accident? Did the police catch the driver of that car?"

Knot was shocked. He had told him everything about the accident but he still wants to know more.

"The driver was caught. He was drunk when the police caught. It was a case of drunk driving. The police had investigated and the driver is in jail now. What more do you want to know?" Knot asked.

"Are you sure about this? Did the police catch the right person?" Krist asked.

"The driver was injured as well. The police caught him in the hospital and he confessed. What's wrong?" Knot was getting worried now.

"I can't help. I don't know why but I feel as if the accident wasn't what it seems. Maybe someone paid the driver to cause the accident." Krist answered.

Knot was shocked. "How can you think like this? Did something happen? Tell me Krist."

"Since the day Singto has returned he had been after me to leave Godt. There were many times when he even stalked me and Godt. He was furious when I refused to break up with Godt. I don't know why but I feel like maybe Singto made this happen. He killed Godt." Krist was angry now. The memories of that day flashed again. How happy he was when Godt had proposed. Then the accident. Godt was killed. He was sure of it.

"Krist, I think you are being paranoid. I think you are thinking too much. I saw Singto when we got the call. He was devastated. Shattered. He didn't leave your side. He cried everyday. He..."

"He was scared of losing me. He was so obsessed with me that he never left me alone. Maybe he just wanted to hurt Godt and when he saw me also hurt he broke down." Krist answered

Knot shook his head. He wanted to refuse again. He had seen Singto in the hospital. He cried everyday for Krist and when he came to know that Godt was dead he had cried too. He saw genuine concern in his eyes. But what if Krist is saying is true? What if actually all the worry and concern was only for Krist and not Godt? What if Singto just wanted Krist to live and Godt to die?

Knot was confused now. He didn't know what to believe. He looked at Krist and asked,"If what you are saying is true what are you planning to do? You need to have some proof to prove all this."

Krist nodded. "I know and I need your help in this. Will you help me?"

"Yes I will help you. What will be your first step?" Knot asked.

"I think we should start by talking to the inspector who handled the case. I think he will help us." Krist said.

Knot nodded. "I am always there for you. Don't worry. We will get the truth soon."

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