Chapter 30

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Singto was angry and restless. He had rushed over the moment Forth had called him. He had called Brian and told him to investigate. He would find the culprits himself and punish them the harshest. When he had reached the hospital he saw everyone waiting outside. Krist's mae had rushed over to him and cried hugging him. He recalled the time when Krist was injured in the accident. The doctor had said that the injuries weren't too severe but there were some internal injuries which they were afraid of. Krist was still unconscious.

He went over to Knot. Knot looked at him and said,"Well, the doctor have taken him for some tests. They want to be certain that there are no internal injuries. Don't worry. He will be fine."

"Have the police caught them?" Singto asked.

"Not yet. They are still investigating. But I suspect that it wasn't just a plain robbery. I think they came to hurt him." Knot said.

Singto was shocked. He asked Knot.

"What do you mean?"

"Krist had given them all he had even his car key's so then why did they hit him so hard?" Knot asked. He raked his hair and tried to control his anger.

"It was a good thing that Forth was there to help him. God forbid if he hadn't  reached then...." Knot said.

Singto nodded. He was afraid as well. He wanted to ask Forth about it too. He asked Knot,"Do you know where he is?"

"He has gone to the police station. The officer's wanted him to help them identify the robbers." Knot replied.

Just then a doctor came towards them. Krist's parent's rushed to them and asked,"How is my son?"

"He is fine now. Thankfully there are no fatal injuries. Only some bruises and swollen areas. He will get better soon." The doctor said.

Krist's parent's smiled and thanked him. He said that he would transfer Krist to his room soon and they can meet him soon. Mr. Kongthanin came towards Krist's parent's and said,"I will make sure that the police catches the culprits soon. We should take care of Krist now."

They nodded. Singto went to Krist's parent's and hugged them. After a while Krist was shifted into a room. Singto's heart broke seeing Krist hurt so badly. He went towards him and kissed his forehead. He signalled Knot to come out with him. Knot nodded and went with him.

"What else do you know about this?" Singto asked.

"When Forth went to the parking lot, he saw some guy's hitting Krist. He ran towards him and fought with them. They ran away and then Forth brought Krist here. He called us and the police and told what happened. The police are investigating." Knot said.

"They took everything from Krist?" Singto asked.

"Yaa..his money, his phone, his watch." Knot said.

"They could have run away in his car too..then why didn't they?" Singto asked.

"That's what I am curious about. Krist was next to his car. They could have stolen it too but they didn't. I think they just pretended to rob him. They must intended to hurt Krist." Knot replied.

"Did Forth see them?" Singto asked.

"Yaa..he did see them. He has gone to identify some criminals. Hope they catch them soon." Knot said.

Singto nodded and went. He took out his phone and called Brian. It rang many times but no one answered. Singto tried many times but no answer. At last he called Brian's colleague.

"Hello Nat. Do you know where Brian is? I am calling him but he didn't answer." Singto said.

"Hey Singto. Brian met with an accident yesterday night. He has fractured his hands and legs. He can't talk right now." Nat replied.

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