Chapter 36

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In the morning, Singto woke up to a angel sleeping beside him. Last night after returning from the police station Krist went to Singto's house. They just cuddled to sleep. He smiled watching Krist. He thought himself to be lucky that Krist still trusted and believed him. Not only Krist but everyone trusted him and he was very thankful to Krist. He touched his face softly not wanting to wake him up but Krist stirred in his sleep. Singto smiled at him when he opened his eyes. Krist opened his eye's and tried to adjust. He saw Singto smiling at him. He leaned over to Singto and kissed him. Singto deepened the kiss and grabbed his nape.

Krist laid back and let Singto come on top of him. Singto stopped kissing and looked at him. Krist smiled and said,"Well, this was a great way to wake me up."

Singto smiled and said,"So can I have breakfast in bed?"

Krist looked teasingly at him and nodded. Singto moved closer and was about to kiss hin when his phone rang. At first he wanted to ignore it but then Krist told him to answer. He was surprised to see New calling him.

"Hello New. How are you? How's Tawan?" Singto asked excited.

"I just got a call from Officer Chan. He wants to question me regarding Godt's death. What's going on? Didn't his case closed?" New asked worried. Since he got the call, New had been worried not for himself but for Singto.

Singto sighed and told him everything. New was angry after hearing

"What the hell!! How dare he accuse you. Who does he think he is. I am getting on the next flight available and coming back. Don't worry I will always be with you. What about Krist? Is he still with you?"New asked.

"Yes he is and thanks to him everyone believes me. I am really very lucky to have him in my life. I just want all this mess to get solved quickly." Singto said.

Krist looked at Singto and held his hands. Singto took his hand and kissed it. After speaking for some time Singto cut the call.

"So when is he coming back?" Krist asked.

"As soon as possible. He will call when he reaches the airport. I hope Tawan understands." Singto said.

"He will. You haven't done anything wrong. Stop blaming yourself." Krist said.

"Krist, do you still believe me?" Singto asked

"What do you mean? Of course I do believe and trust you." Krist said and sat up.

Singto took a deep breath and held his hands. He brushed his thumb on Krist's hand and said,"Don't you want to question me about the video?"

Singto kept looking down. He can't look at Krist. Krist asked,"What do you mean?"

"Whatever was shown in the video I did all that." Singto said crying. He never knew when he had started to cry but he needed to clear it with Krist.

Krist didn't say anything. He just looked at Singto.

"When I saw you bleeding on the stretcher I just...I lost my mind. The only thing that mattered to me at that time was you. I couldn't see you like that. I was afraid am sorry Krist. I didn't mean to harm Godt. I was not thinking about anything. I just wanted to save you. Please forgive me for that."

Singto looked at Krist but Krist was still silent. Krist was crying too. He wanted to hug him and wipe his tears but he was afraid of Krist's reaction.

"Please..Krist....believe me...I didn't want Godt to die....I never thought of that....never...I was angry that day when you showed me the ring...but I never wanted this to happen. Please trust me." Singto said.

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