Chapter 6

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Krist couldn't sleep the whole night. He kept recalling Singto and what he said. Godt was worried for him. He told Krist to take the day off and he accepted. He wasn't ready to go to office. He was sure Singto will come again. He tried to sleep but then got up and called Knot.

"Hi Knot. Can we meet?" Krist asked.

"Ya sure. When and where?" Knot replied.

After deciding the time and venue, Krist took a shower and changed his clothes. He wore a white t-shirt and blue jeans. He wore a blue shirt over his tshirt. He messaged Godt about his plan. He drove his car to the cafe near Knot's office. Knot was already inside. He waved over to Krist and smiled at him.

"Hi Krist. What's the matter? You look upset." Knot asked.

"Singto came to meet me yesterday in office." Krist said.

"What? But why? Where was Godt? Did he know?" Knot askes worried.

"Ya. He was there. Singto wanted to talk to me alone. At first Godt didn't want to leave me alone with him but then I told him to leave." Krist said.

"Why? What did he talk about?" Knot asked.

"He apologised for his behaviour and wanted to be friends again." Krist said keeping his head down.

"Does he think that just apologising everything will be good again? Why does he want to come close to you again?"

"I don't know. I screamed at him and told him to leave but I am sure that he won't stop." Krist said.

"So what are you going to do?" Knot asked looking at him suspiciously.

"The next time he comes I will forgive him and be friends."

"What? Is this what you really want?" Knot scolded him.

"What you suffered so many years ago have you forgotten all that?" Knot asked

"I want to forget my past. I would be meeting Singto often now and it will be really awkward between us. Also Godt will also suffer. He will be torn between me and his work. I don't want to trouble Godt." Krist said.

"Have you talked to Godt about this?"

"No. I wanted to tell you first. Ahh. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know to handle thing's." Krist said frustated.

"I don't know what to tell you. I think you are right. It's best if you just forget and forgive everything. You know what's best for you." Knot said. He felt that Krist shouldn't get close to Singto but he couldnt interfere in his life. Krist should make his decisions himself.

Krist looked at Knot. He knew why Knot said like that but he can't help it. The more he will ignore Singto the more he will pursue him. He doesn't want to complicate things with Godt. Maybe being close to Singto again would be a bad choice but you never know. Knot didnt say much after that. They talked for some time and then left.

Krist went home after meeting Knot. He lay on the bed and closed his eyes. He was sleepy. He dreamt about his first meeting with Singto. The way Singto came close to him. Singto always said that he will always care for him and love him. His first kiss. The first time they made love. Krist had a smile on his face while remembering the happy moments. But then he recalled Singto saying harsh words and breaking up with him. The way his heart broke. He had tears flowing in his eyes. He got up shaking. He wound his arms around his waist and tried to calm down.

He looked over the bedside table and saw his and Godt's pic. They were looking at each other and smiling. He was very fortunate to have Godt who helped him recover and believe in love again. He took the pic in his hands and moved his fingers on Godt's face. He did love Godt but he couldnt forget Singto. Maybe by forgiving him he will be able to forget his past.

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