Chapter 31

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Singto smiled looking at Krist sleeping peacefully. The rogues had beaten him badly. There were some bruises on his face too. Singto wanted to find them soon so that he could hurt them bad. When Knot had told him that Krist had suspected him of killing Godt, he felt bad at first but then he realised that he deserved it. Since he had come back he had really treated Godt very badly and he had thought of everything to break them up. He was angry at Godt for stealing Krist and keeping him away from him. It was only after his death that Singto had realised just how much they had loved each other. How Godt truly loved Krist and how broken Krist was. He was really thankful that Krist had given him one more chance and he was more adamant now that come what may he won't hurt Krist this time. This time it's really going to be forever.

Singto sat beside him and held his hand. He brushed aside his hair and smiled lovingly at him. Krist's mae was sleeping on the couch. She watched Singto and smiled at him. She went to him and said,"Sleep for a while. You also must be tired."

Singto nodded and said,"I am ok mae. You should also rest. Krist will be alright now."

Mae nodded and smiled. She went back to sleep on the couch and Singto laid his head on Krist's side. He wanted to wake up seeing Krist's face.

In the morning, Krist was smiling watching Singto asleep beside him. Krist's mae woke up and went near him.

"How are you feeling now?" Krist's mae asked

"I am feeling better. Have some pain but it's tolerable." Krist said smiling.

Singto woke up and smiled at him. Krist's mae went out to call the doctor. She also wanted to tell everyone that Krist had woken up

"Are you feeling pain? Is it hurting?" Singto asked.

"Am better now don't worry na. You look exhausted. Where did you go yesterday?" Krist asked.

"I had gone to meet Officer Rio. He is investigating your case. Forth had gone to give his statement." Singto said.

"Did they catch anyone?"

"No. Forth will go again to help them make some sketches of the rogues. I hope they catch them soon."

"Hmmm." Krist was silent. He was thinking why the name sounded familiar.

"What are you thinking?" Singto asked.

"I think I have heard this name before. Maybe I have met him." Krist said.

"You have met him before. He was the one who investigated Godt's accident." Singto said.

"Ohh... Now I remember. I hope he catches them soon."

Singto nodded. He didn't want to ask or talk about him anymore. Krist was looking at him and smiling like always.

The doctor checked up Krist and said that he will be discharged soon as his injuries were not so fatal. Singto was relieved. He thought of thanking Forth again. If he wouldn't have been there to save Krist...

After the doctor left, Krist's friend's arrived. Krist smiled looking at Prem, Wad, Knot, Tew, Bright and Gun. Krist was surprised to see Gun.

"How are you feeling now?" Gun asked.

"Am good now." Krist said smiling.

They started chatting like friend's forgetting about the accident and beatings. Forth was confused when he entered the room to see Krist. Singto and Knot noticed him and told him to come inside. Forth smiled and met everyone. Krist introduced everyone to Forth.

"Did you meet Officer Rio? Has he made any progress yet?" Singto asked.

"They have the sketches now. He said that he will catch them soon." Forth said.

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